Stereotyping,prejudice and discrimination study's and facts.

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  • stereotyping, prejudice&discrimination
    • Prejudice :a rigid set of beliefs or attitudes towards a particular group of people-usually negative not always.
      • its is judging someone before even knowing them.
        • this can be a good thing as it gives you a good idea of how to react to different people.
      • Study:sherif (1961); he wanted to see if prejudice develops when groups are in competition for recourses.
        • 22 boys were divided into 2 groups and kept away from each other.they were given time to settle in and get to know their team mates, they then competed against each other for recourses.
          • Very quickly, the teams began unpleasant name calling and tried to attack each other.
            • Competition is a cause of prejudice.
              • He only used white middle class boys in this experiment. Which lacks ecological validity, you cannot generalise findings for all member of society.
      • Study:Adorno(1950);to see if there is a relationship between someone's personality type and their prejudiced beliefs.
        • Hundreds of people were questions using the f scale.
          • The questionnaire used by Adorno to measure personality characteristic
          • They found a relationship between personality traits and prejudiced views.
            • There is a authoritarian personality and it's prone to prejudice views and highly likely to be prejudice.
              • The research was done in America and lacks population validity as it cannot be applied for all members of society.
    • Stereotype: an oversimplified generalised set of ideas that we have about others.
      • The media can influence our stereotypes for example there is a lot of bad press surrounding teenagers in hoodies, if we saw one we would be likely to avoid them.
      • Study: William and best:(1994)- to investigate the extent of sex stereotyping across 30 different countries.
        • Participants were given over 300 characteristic and asked weather they were associated with males or females or both.
          • They found that across the 30 counties the same characteristicwere associated with male or female-women were described as emotinal and understanding whereas men were reckless and determined
            • The findings of this cross cultural study suggest that there is commonly held stereotypes for all genders
              • Evaluation point-many negative consequencefor females from sex role the media women seem  the weaker sex however this has changed and women and men are now seen more equal.
    • Discrimination::the way an individual behaves towards another person or group of people as a result of their prejudiced view


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