
  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 23-04-13 14:02
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  • Mitosis
    • Mitosis makes new cells for Growth and Repair
      • Body cells usually have two copies of each chromosome- one from the organisms mother and one from the father
      • When a body cell divides it needs to make new cells identical to the original cell- with the same number of chromosomes
      • This type of cell division is called mitosis, its used when plants and cells want to grow, or to replace cells that have been damaged.
    • Mitosis is when a cell reproduces by itself by splitting to form two identical offspring.
    • In a cell thats not dividing, the DNA is spread out in long strings
      • If the cell gets the signal to divide, it needs to duplicate eits DNA. So there is one new copy for each new cell.The DNA is copied and forms xshaped chromosomes. Each 'arm' of the chromosome is an exact duplicate of the other
        • The chromosomes then line up at the centre of the cell and cell fibres pull them apart.The two arms of each chromosome go to opposite ends of the cell
          • Membranes form around each sets of chromosomes. These become the nuclei of the two new cells.
            • Lastly , the cytoplasm divides.
              • You now have two new cells containing exactly the same DNA, they're identical
  • In a cell thats not dividing, the DNA is spread out in long strings
    • If the cell gets the signal to divide, it needs to duplicate eits DNA. So there is one new copy for each new cell.The DNA is copied and forms xshaped chromosomes. Each 'arm' of the chromosome is an exact duplicate of the other
      • The chromosomes then line up at the centre of the cell and cell fibres pull them apart.The two arms of each chromosome go to opposite ends of the cell
        • Membranes form around each sets of chromosomes. These become the nuclei of the two new cells.
          • Lastly , the cytoplasm divides.
            • You now have two new cells containing exactly the same DNA, they're identical


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