Stanley Kowalski

  • Created by: wunms
  • Created on: 11-03-13 13:52
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  • Stanley Kowalski
      • "...roughly dressed in blue denim work clothes." - scene 1
      • "Stanley carries his bowling jacket and a red-stained package from a butcher's." - scene 1
      • "...strongly compactly built." - scene 1
      • "...with the power and pride of a richly feathered male bird among hens." - scene 1
      • "the gaudy seed-bearer." - scene 1
      • "he crosses through d****s with a smouldering look." - scene 2 - sexual tension between Stanley & Blanche.
      • " course and direct and powerful as the primary colours." - scene 3 (poker night)
      • "brilliant silk bowling shirt." - scene 8
      • "vivid green silk bowling shirt." - scene 10
    • MUSIC
      • "the blue piano" scene 1, 2. - the blue piano is associated with Stanley - represents the spirit of life in New Orleans. Stanley IS new America.. American Dream etc.
      • Stanley "stalks" into the bedroom - scene 2
      • "he jerks open" - scene 2 - in reference to him opening Blanche's wardrobe trunk - violent.
      • "Stanley charges after Stella" - scene 3 - animalistic - charge like a bull.
      • "he snatches the screen door open." - scene 3 - when Stanley carries Stella back into the house after their fight.
      • "...spear his fork into the remaining chop which he eats with his fingers." - scene 8 - animalistic
      • "Tiger-tiger! Drop the bottle-top! Drop it! We've had this date with each other from the beginning." - scene 10 - cat-line imagery, the **** was predetermined.
      • "I thought it was Tiffany diamonds." - scene 10 - Stanley uses Blanche's terminology and sarcasm to mock her - winning power struggle.
      • "Remember what Huey Long said - 'Every man is a King!' And I am the king around here, so don't forget it!" - scene 8 - asserting his domaninance.
      • "meat" - scene 1 - Stanley heaves a package of meat at Stella and she laughs - sexual innuendo for Stanley's dominance over Stella - her response highlights the pleasure he gives her.
      • "the bottle cap pops off and geyser foam shoots up." - scene 10 - ejaculatory imagery - adumbrates the **** and highlights Stanley's sexuality.
      • Lots of caveman/predatory imagery throughout. Blanche says: "Stanley Kowalski - survivor of the stone age!.." - scene 4


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