Stab in the back theory

  • Created by: emilypwa
  • Created on: 16-10-20 09:13
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  • 'Stab in the back theory'
    • Beginning - WW1 the triple alliance was on the brink if defeat in august 1918 the USA  sent in 2 million troops to reinforce. As a result germany's allies were seeking peace independantly
    • SPD members had abandonded nationalism to support war effort - (promise of better working class pay and conditions).
      • The split in the SPD- With germany being on the brink of defeat many members of the SPD had realised their hopes for better working class pay and conditions werent going to be fulfilled and the war that was initally to be fought to be defensivewas now turning into a war of conquest
        • As a result the USPD formed (independant socialist party) created april 1917
  • DEFINITION- The right wing partys would blame politians for the end of the war claiming millitarily they were in a good position anc could've won the war.
  • The politicans who were in charge in the weimar republic were named the 'november criminals' for repeatedly "betraying the father land"
  • The stab in the back theory then became one of the biggest critisims of the weimar republic.
    • From the abdication of the kaiser, to the armistice and the treaty - the hate for the 'november criminals' grew to the point where after the treaty of versallies was past and it has alienated many of those who were initially moderate now joining nationalist groups (manly consising of young men who had fought in the war) and these groups would be formed with the directive of overthrowing the government


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