Splendid Isolation or not!? 1886-1902

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  • Evidence Of Splendid Isolation
    • Salisbury regected Bismarcks (the leader of germany) suggestion of a formal allience in 1889
    • Splendid Isolation or not!? 1886-1902
      • Evidence against Splendid Isolation
        • He didn't set out to seperate GB from allies, it was more to do with entanglement and that. He did do some things. like the 1887 Mediterranean Agreements (1887)
          • He also negotiated agreements with Italy, pledging British support in a war with france
        • In 1885 he agreed to the reunion of Rumelia with the kingdom of Bulgaria. He also tried to get the European powers to act together against Turkey after the Armenian massacres.
        • He tried to acquire influence in China, he arranged that Germany, Russia and France should have bits of influence. That's dealing with 3 major powers.
        • In 1887 he had become an Imperialist. The 1896 Fashoda Crisis he remained firm during the stand off between GB and French armies in the Sudan. Active.
        • "Splendid Isolation" is a simplistic analysis of his policy. He would do stuff if it benefited Britain. And even contemplated an entente with Germany.
        • He said himself "isolationism is dangerous"
    • He said himself "alliances drag into conflict, war and entanglement"
      • He also said "war is an abomination" and "war is a final and supreme evil"
    • He already inherited a situation that Gladstone had left. France was alienated over Egypt, already isolated.
    • The triple alliance and the dual alliance (1886) were signed which made GB even more isolated. Seems "strong enough to not need friends" almost.
    • The Boer war of 1899-1902 demonstrated GB's isolation when it was condemned by all the major powers in Europe. The Kruger telegram.
    • He only got into foreign affairs unless it was a clear benefit to Britain. He preferred persuasion.The Mediterranean agreement (1887)


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