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  • Speciation
    • Speciation is the development of a new species.
    • It occurs when populations of the same species become reproductively isolated.
      • This can be due to physical barrier, eg. a flood or an earthquake, divides the population of a species, causing some individuals to becomes separated from the main population. This is known as Geographical Isolation.
        • Populations that are Geographically Isolated will experience slightly different conditions. Eg. A different climate
        • The populations will experience different selective pressures and so different changes in allele frequency.
          • Different alleles will be more more advantageous in the different populations.
            • The changes in allele frequency will lead to differences accumulating in the gene pools of the separated populations, causing changes in the phenotype.
              • Eventually, individuals from the different populations will have changed so much that they wont be able to breed with one another to produce fertlle offspring.
                • They become reproductively isolated.
          • Allele frequencies will also change as mutations will occur independently in each population.
            • The changes in allele frequency will lead to differences accumulating in the gene pools of the separated populations, causing changes in the phenotype.
              • Eventually, individuals from the different populations will have changed so much that they wont be able to breed with one another to produce fertlle offspring.
                • They become reproductively isolated.


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