Solids, Liquids and Gases

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  • Solids, Liquids and Gases
    • The kinetic model
      • Describes how all substances are made up of atoms or molecules, which are arranged differently depending on the phase of the substance
      • Solids
        • Regularly arranged in a 3D structure
        • Strong electrostatic forces of attraction holding atoms in a fixed position
        • Atoms can vibrate, and so have kinetic energy
      • Liquids
        • Atoms have more kinetic energy than in solids
        • Atoms are still very close together, but can change position and flow past eachother
      • Gases
        • Atoms have more kinetic energy than in liquids and are much further apart
        • There are negligible electrostatic forces between atoms, unless they collide
        • Atoms move randomly with different speeds and directions
    • Density
      • Spacing between particles in a substance in different phases affects its density
      • Generally, a substance is more dense when solid and less dense when a gas
      • Water freezes into a crystalline pattern held together by strong electrostatic forces
      • In this pattern the atoms are slightly more spaced apart than in a liquid, so ice is less dense than liquid water
    • Brownian motion
      • Robert Brown (1827) observed pollen grains moving randomly on the surface of water
      • Einstein explained the movement was due to collisions between the pollen and water molecules
        • These collisions are elastic
        • Transfer of momentum from water molecules to pollen grains caused the grains to move randomly
      • This demonstrated that matter is made up of molecules that have kinetic energy


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