sociology questionnaires

  • Created by: Jjgtyhj
  • Created on: 24-05-20 23:24
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  • questionnaires
    • mainly use closed questions and multiple choice questions. some give open ended.
      • reliability and validity depends on how it i designed. closed questions give quantitative data- positivists like. open ended give insight into meanings and motives- qualitative data- interpretivists like
    • questionnaires should: - use clear, simple questions which are easy to understand, give clear instructions and make it easy for the respondent. have a nice clear layout that doesn't  intimidate people. give a range of options on multiple choice questions and measure what you want to measure.
    • questionnaires shouldn't; ask embarrassing, threatening questions, ask 2 questions instead of 1, be too long, use sociological terms that few people understand, lead the respondent to answer in a particular way.
    • pilot studies are useful-test whether questions make sense to the respondents
    • advantages: easy to administer and collect a lot of data in a short amount of time, closed questions provide data which can be quickly analysed, reliable, anonymous and don't require respondent to sit face-to-face with an interviewer = good for sensitive topics e.g national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles was a postal questionnaire, large sample makes it representative.
    • disadvantages: respondents may not tell the truth=not valid,questions may be misleading or mean different things to different people- don't accurately measure what you want to measure, can't give any extra info to open ended questions,no one to explain questions if respondent doesn't understand, postal have a low response rate=unrepresentative.


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