Sociology Education

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  • Education
    • Class Difference
      • EXTERNAL
        • Material Deprivation Poor housing. poor diet, low income
          • BOURDIEU- m/c better in ed cuz parents have a better capital assets 1)economic capital 2)cultural capital
        • Cultural Deprivation: w/c fail to transmit appropriate norms, less likely to by ed toys. Culture is transmitted through socialization, different classes socialise kids differently.
          • W/C Subculture= immediate gratification, fatalism, low vaule on ed
            • HYMAN- w/c don't value ed DOUGLAS- w/c parents show less interest on kids ed so less supportive.
            • Criticism
              • 1) Ignores material deprivation  2)ignores impact of  school 3)blames victim, they are different not deprived
          • Parents Education= FEINSTIEN- parents own ed effects kid.
            • ed parents more discipline, ed parents more aware of what is needed, ed has better language, use of income like ed toys.
      • INTERNAL
        • Labelling- BECKER- teacher label m/c as the ideal student = self- fulling prophecy
          • Criticism
        • Pupil Subculture- Pro-school and Anti-School LACEY- anti-school are the way they are cuz school deprives them of status , so they create status hierarchy
            • LOSING YOURSELF
              • EDUCATION POLICY
        • Class Identity And Achievement - ARCHER- habitues to understand relationships. m/c has power to define this, gain symbolic capital
    • Ethnic Differences
      • EXTERNAL
        • Cultural Deprivation- under achievement caused by inadequate socialization
          • Intellectual+ Language Skills- low $ black fam lack intellectual stimulation= don't develop problem solving skills. BEREITER+ ENGLEMANNlanguage i black USA fam is ungrammatical so kids can't express abstract ideas. Not speaking English may also be a problem.
          • Attitudes, values and family structure- most kids are socialized in main stream culture so they are competitive,
            • Fatalism + Immediate gratification
            • Lack of Male Role Model- black boys may be encouraged to join 'macho-gangs' , they are anti-ed MURRAY result of lone parenthood
            • Culture Of Poverty- MOYNIHAN no male role model= not socialized correctly = fail in ed= become bad parents
            • SWELL- Asian work ethic
            • Impact Of Slavery- PRYCE black Caribbean culture less resistant to racism +low self esteem+ under achieve
            • Fathers, Gangs+ Culture- SWELL- lack of fatherly naturing leads to black boys underachieving. Gangs offer alternative loyalty+love. ed successful boys feel barrier is peer pressure, didn't want to sell out.
          • Compensatory Education    1)Operation Head Start 2)  Sure Start
          • Criticism
            • 1) Victim Balming- KEDDIE- Culturally dif not dep 2)Cultural Exclusion-BALL- ethnics parents at dis cuz cant understand UK school system 3)Cultural Domination
        • Material Deprivation- half of ethnic minority kids live in low $ houses, twice as likely to be unemployed, face discrimination in labor market
        • Racism In Wider Society
      • INTERNAL
        • Labeling-  GILLBORN +MIRZA- in primary black over achieve but at GCSE they under achieve GILLBORN +YOUDELL- teachers has 'racialised expectations', conflict between white teachers and black pupils comes from stereotypes= higher exclusion of black boys, being paced in lower sets.
          • Asian Pupils- WRIGHT- in primary teachers thought they would have poor English so used simple language, they mispronounced child's name, saw them as a problem they could ignore= girls were marginalized. CONNOLLY teachers saw them as passive and boys as more feminine
        • Pupil Subculture -SWELL- BLACK BOYS RESPONSES
          • Conformist
          • Inovators
          • Retreatists
          • Rebels
          • Even though only a small part  fit into the 'macho lad' teachers still label them as such= under achievement in most boys.
          • Rejecting Negative Labels- FULLER- black girls in year 111 were achieving in ed but where rejecting the labels given by teachers MAC AN GHAILL- black + Asian students didn't accept teachers labels at A-level
            • But MIRZA said that their way of dealing with this was not asking fro help which affect ed
        • Institutional Racism -Critical race theory(CRT) sees it as deep rooted in ed system.
          • Ethnocentric Curriculum- TROYNA +WILLIAMS- UK ed ssytem has priority for white culture and English lang. BALL- history is recreating a 'mythical age of empire and past glories'
            • Selection+ Segregation - GILLBORN-  Marketisation gives more space to chose pupils on stereotypes
            • Assesments
            • Access to Opportunities-TIKLY- black in lower sets and tiers.
            • The New IQism
    • Gender Differences
      • EXTERNAL
        • Feminism- had impact on women's rights and opportunists, affected girls self-image and aspirations
        • Perception and Ambitions- SHARPE- 1970=g want 'love, marriage, husbands and kid' , 19990=  switch FULLER- g aimed for processional carer to support them selves but w/c with poor prospects have aspirations for marriage etc and attainable traditional identity that offers status.
        • Changes In Family- 40% of marriages =divorce, 905 female headed lone families.
        • Employment- 1970- Equal Pay Act, 1975 Sex Discrimination act
      • INTERNAL
        • Policies-GIST + WISE, National curriculam
        • Role Models- female teachers= feminines ed= female gender role.
        • Coursework
        • Teacher Attention- FRENCH- pay more attention to boys cuz they are bad, overall g +b have same attention. FRANCIS- b get more attention but get disciplined more harshly. SWANN- b dominate discussion so g are preferred.
        • Selection+ League Tables- Marketisation policy published league tables, schools now chose, b= liability students
        • Identity, Class- w'c g underachieve ARCHER- conflict between feminine identities and schools habitues, can either get symbolic capital or ed capital.  1)Hetero heterosexual feminine Identities- school commits symbolic violence 2)Boyfriends 3)Being loud 4)Ladettes
        • Literacy- parents read less, don't have a bedroom culture.
        • Golbalisation +Decline of traditional men job- less manufacturing industry so b have identity crisis. think have little prospect of getting jobs
        • Feminisation Of Schooling- SWELL- b don't do ed cuz it's feminized, don't have masculine traits, little male primary teachers
          • READ- male teachers use firm discipline language but also found female teachers also use 'disciplinarian discourse'.
        • Lack Of Male Role Models At Home
        • Laddish Subculture- FRANCIS- b more concerned about being labelled swots cuz threatens masculine identity EPSTEIN- w/c pro-ed were harassed and called 'gay'
        • Policy- Rasing Boys. RINGROSE- moral panic about b ed makes people ignore g problems.
      • Gender and Subject Choice- G+B follow gender routes,
        • Early Socialization- b get rewarded for being active, g for being passive , BYRNE- teachers encourage boys to be tough g the opposite MURPHY +ELWOOD b read hobby books, g stories
        • Gender domains
        • Gendered Subject Images
        • Gender Identity and Peer Pressure
        • Gendered Careers
      • Gender Identity and Schooling- CONNELL- ed reproduces 'hegemonic masculinity' fem say that school is an act of social control
        • Verbal Abuse- LEES b call g slags, MAC AN GHAIL- anti-ed w/c b reinforce their definitions of masculinity-
          • Teachers- HAYWOOD-  say to b that they are acting like g
            • Double Standards-
              • Female peer groups ARCHER- w/c g gain symbolic capital by being hyper-heterosexual. risk being called tramps if  not, RINGROSE- **** shaming  are social controls of tension between conforming and sexualised identity.
    • Role off Education
      • Functionalist
        • DURKHEIM- 1)promotes social solidarity- transmits shared culture and shows common history to show we have common purpose 2)Prepares for work force
        • PARSON- Secondary Socialization- in wider society everyone is treated the same, ed prepares them they are not special- teaches universalistic standards. Meritocracy is based on individual achievement and equal opportunity school is a society in miniature.
        • DAVIS+ MOORE- role allocation for their future work cuz some more talented than other etc Human capital theory- modern industrialization is advanced so skills of workforce are main economic assest.
        • Evaluation 1)Marxs= values are transmitted by ed not society shared values but r/c's 2)education  not merit 3) HARGEAVES-  school places more value on competition and developing individuals  3)ed dosent prepare for work no link 4)internationalist- deterministic  5)persons characteristics play bigger role on future.
      • New Right- + Neoliberalism
        • Neo- state shouldn't provide ed, free market eco encourages competition.
        • Similar cuz some are more talented, ed should be merit, ed should socailse.
          • Functionalist
            • DURKHEIM- 1)promotes social solidarity- transmits shared culture and shows common history to show we have common purpose 2)Prepares for work force
            • PARSON- Secondary Socialization- in wider society everyone is treated the same, ed prepares them they are not special- teaches universalistic standards. Meritocracy is based on individual achievement and equal opportunity school is a society in miniature.
            • DAVIS+ MOORE- role allocation for their future work cuz some more talented than other etc Human capital theory- modern industrialization is advanced so skills of workforce are main economic assest.
            • Evaluation 1)Marxs= values are transmitted by ed not society shared values but r/c's 2)education  not merit 3) HARGEAVES-  school places more value on competition and developing individuals  3)ed dosent prepare for work no link 4)internationalist- deterministic  5)persons characteristics play bigger role on future.
        • state should still create framework for competition between schools, should still ensure that they transit society culture
        • Evaluation- 1)other reasons for school standards improving  2)low standards may be result of little funding 3)GERWIRTZ competition benefits m/c 4)Marxs- ed imposes culture of r/c not shared.
      • Marxism
        • ALTHUSSER- Ideological state apparatus- r/c have repressive state apparatus + ideological state apparatus  so ed have 2 functions reproduction and legitimization
        • BOWLES +GINTIS- cap needs workers with the kind of obedient attitudes and submissive personality type that is willing to accept hard work , ed reproduces obidiance there is a similarity between ed and school. Correspondence principle, hidden curriculum, myth of merit, role allocation=no no
        • WILLS- learning to labor-  rejected Bowls +Gitins, lads don't passively accept r/c ideology. Counter school culture-  similar to culture of manual workers thus sexist.
        • Marketisation polices  result in more direct cap control over ed and ed system provide willing workforce for cap but also makes profit for them
        • Evaluation Postmodernis = out of correspondence principle no longer operates, class div not important  Feminist- ed reproduces pat too  Marixst= e.g. Bowels = Gints and Wills   Wills romanticism lads presenting them as w/c heroes.
    • Education Policy
      • Tripartite system= 1944 = 11= exam
      • Comprehensive system= 1965= abolished 11+, functionalist see it as merit but Marx see reproduction of inequality
      • Marketisation became central since 1988 Ed Reform Act, parentocracy supports this
        • League tables mean schools can cream skim, funding formula+ more students+ more £. parents choice= GEWIRTZ- m/c  privileged choosers, myth of parentocracy.
      • Labour 97-10= city academies, ed zone etc.
        • Evaluation- contradiction, left private ed untouched, choice just another way of saying inequality,
      • Conservative 2010- Neocolonialism and privatization- academies , free schools, fragmented centralization, spending cuts.
        • Privatization of ed-  ed as privatized commodity- BALL- ed is not public good, becomes profit now.  Blurring public/private boundary, gloabisation of Policy Cola-isation of school
          • Ethnicity- fisrt wanted to assimilate, now want social inclusion.


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