Social and cultural changes in the 1960's

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  • Social + cultural changes in the 1960's
    • TV and communication: Colour TV was introduced in 1967 and introduced a world open to colour. by the end of 1969 the number of coloured TV's had reached 200,000, By the end of the 60's people had more TV's than bathtubs.
    • Scientific developments: Harold Wilson - "The white heat of technological revolution" and we need to "speak in the language of our scientific age" this lead to the first employment of a technology minister Frank cousins 1964
      • The contraceptive pill: Advances in photography permitted the development of sophisticated x.ray equipment, advances in heart surgery permitted a higher life expectancy and quality of life. the 60's left the door open to genetic engineering.  the pill changed attitudes towards; lifestyle, marriage and female employment
    • Increase in technology: (1955-75) Television 35-96, Refrigerators 8 to 85 and washing machines 18-70
      • increased leisure time
        • Pessimists believed a more materialistic outlook would encourage selfishness, destroy traditional family and community relationships. widening  the gap between the rich and the poor
          • VIV NICHOLSON
        • Optimists believed Britain was entering a new era of prosperity that would destroy old class divisions and bring harmony
    • Consumer spending: wages increased from 100 to 250 from 1955 - 70. the increase in wages meant that people had more disposable income they could spend on technology or travel
      • Why  Affluence? enhancement of welfare services, education and housing provided a better quality of life, working hours reduced in the 50's, reduction of income tax and two weeks paid holiday
        • between 1950-70 nearly 6 million houses were being built
    • Press and Print: 1969 Rupert Murdoch bought the sun and coped tv tactics, exploited the famous knowing this would sell. The OZ newspaper started using colour which was new and for the first time provided the audience with a visual experience.
    • leisure time + activities increased due to: shorter working house, 99/100 companies provided annual paid holidays, cars provided travel and tv opened minds to new experiences
    • Travel and car ownership: Alec Issigonis - created cheap and small car. presented it to princess Margaret's husband on his Birthday leading to it's popularity




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