Social control

Identifies, how we are controlled by society and the views of different theories such as marxism, Functionalism and interactionalism 

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  • Social control
    • The concept of social control is important in understanding how we are socialised into learning to accept the culture of a group
    • Informal Control - Responses or reactions from individuals or groups that bring about conformity to values and norms eg friends and family
    • Formal control- Conducted by the government and organisations using laws and law enforcement such as the police
    • Marxists views on social control: being programmed to learn the values of the ruling class, only the ruling class benefit from social control and socialisation is used to enforce ruling class ideologies
    • Social control is reinforced by formal negative and positive sanctions and informal positive and negative sanctions
  • Functionalist views on social control: Social control benefits everyone and is functional, it ensures criminals are dealt with quickly and that there is no Anomie as there is a mutual consensus of norms and values
  • Interactionist views on social control- individuals are not passive recipients of socialisation or social control, they are active members of society who redefine the labels put on them by society.


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