Theory: Social Action Theories

  • Created by: Anjalee
  • Created on: 10-06-13 13:51
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  • Social Action Theory
  • Weber
    • Level of Cause and Level of Meaning. Calvinism brought about the rise of capitalism by promoting a work ethic.
    • Instrumentally rational action (calculate), Value-rational action (desirable), Traditional action (routine) and Affectual action (emotion)
  • Criticisms
    • Shutz: too individualistic, can fit in more than one category, can't truly understand others' meanings.
  • Symbolic Interactionism
    • Labelling theory: Defining a situation as real has real consequences, Cooley: the looking glass self, Career: the initial label can lead to a master status.
    • Criticisms
      • Deterministic, assumes label has full power, Descriptive concepts, Ignores wider structural factors, not all action is meaningful.
  • Mead: behaviour isn't shaped by instinct, by taking another's role  we can interpret meanings. Blumer: actions are based on meanings, there is room for choice
  • Labelling theory: Defining a situation as real has real consequences, Cooley: the looking glass self, Career: the initial label can lead to a master status.
  • Goffman:
    • Actively construct ourselves Presentation of self, Impression management We have freedom in how we play our roles, actors present themselves to their best advantage
  • P
    • Husserl: Only makes sense because we impose meaning Schutz: Typifications enable us to organise our experiences. Commonsense knowledge makes sense of experience. Husserl: The world is a product of our mind. Berger and Luckman: Constructed reality becomes an external reality.
  • E.M
    • Members actively construct  social order. Garfinkel: Indexicality, meanings are unclear, it depends on context. Commonsense knowledge constructs a sense of meaning. Garfinkel: 'breaching experiments.' Coroners use commonsense theory when classing deaths as suicides.
  • Criticisms
    • Producing explanations is fiction, Ignores wider structural factors
    • Members actively construct  social order. Garfinkel: Indexicality, meanings are unclear, it depends on context. Commonsense knowledge constructs a sense of meaning. Garfinkel: 'breaching experiments.' Coroners use commonsense theory when classing deaths as suicides.
  • Structure and Action
    • Giddens: neither structure nor action can exist without the other. We produce the structures which make action possible. Language: Structure-language rules, Action- using it. Action can also change structure- new meaning and rules. We need to feel the world is as it appears to be, encouraging actions to maintain existing structures
    • Choosing new actions increases change. Our actions may have unintended consequences such as Calvinism
      • Criticisms
        • Archer: underestimates that structures resist change. Craib: what actually happens in society?
  • Archer: underestimates that structures resist change. Craib: what actually happens in society?


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