Was there a Social Revolution in Weimar Germany

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  • Social Revolution.
    • Women were seen to have more freedom as they could be more independent as they were able to vote and work in the civil service.
      • There was a lack of approval. votes were used for non feminist parties. They had to give up their jobs for ex soldiers. If married and working they were attacked for being a double earner. The BDF were women who promised traditional values and was followed by 900.000 women.
    • Social welfare reforms. the public assistant system was modernized to hep the poor. The state accident insurance system was extended to people with occupational diseases. Helped war veterans and orphans.
      • The reforms promised more than provided. Couldn't afford to help everyone. The system relied on high earning Germans to pay for in tax who were reluctant to pay as they never saw the benefit.  There were tight means and delays in payments to reduce the amount of government spending. this led to people feeling humiliated.  Prevented people facing abject poverty but still faced hardships.
    • Before only wealthier children could attend gymnasiums and university. However now working class children had to attend reschedule and aim for apprenticeship.Education was divided by class but was changed by all children attending elementary school for 4 years and taking entry exams for gymnasium schools.
      • There was still social pressure against working class children which led to isolation from wealthier children. This also discourage them from want to proceed to higher education.
  • was
    • was not


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