social psychology - sociocultural factors

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 24-01-21 16:32
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  • sociocultural factors
    • social isolation
      • Jones et al 1994 - conducted longitudinal study of 5362 people born in a week - those who were diagnosed with schizophrenia were more likely to show solitary play preferences aged 4-6 years, and likely to rate themselves less socially confident at 13, suggesting isolation starts very early
      • Since term ‘schizophrenia’ was coined, schizophrenics have tended to report solitary backgrounds, fewer friends and more limited social networks
      • Faris 1934 - suggested those with schizophrenia find contact with others stressful, causing withdrawal
      • Urbanicity and crowding can lead to social isolation
      • Self-imposed isolation cuts individual off from feedback on behaviours and thoughts that are in appropriate, they behave strangely in absence of corrective feedback
    • urbanicity
      • Higher prevalence of schizophrenia in people who live in urban areas
      • Faris and Dunham 1939 - reported greater incidence of schizophrenia when comparing densely populated inner city areas of chicago compared to outskirts of city
      • may be due to specific environmental factors of urban life
      • Krabbendam and Os et al 2005 - identified factors such as greater socioeconomic adversity for urban dwellers, environmental pollution, overcrowding, drug abuse, and exposure to toxins and infectious agents
      • One most likely factor could be greater stress of living in densely populated area


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