social psychology - dysfunctional family

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 24-01-21 11:49
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  • dysfucntional family
    • Double bind theory
      • Bateson and colleagues 1956 - proposed symptoms of those with schizophrenia were result of communication difficulties within family, especially between parents and children
      • Conflicting messages
        • Schizophrenia may develop when a child is exposed to interactions with 2 conflicting messages - child does not have opportunity to ignore or adequately respond to them
        • eg) father tell young daughter “i’d love to hear about school today” while focusing on the tv and not listening to her - she receives two conflicting messages
        • Verbal component suggests interest, non-verbal component suggests something different
        • Communication contradiction incapacitate child’s ability to respond effectively - messages cancel each other out
        • Child depends on parents so is not able to metacommunicate - they cannot communicate that the contradiction as been used
        • Neither the main type of communication used in families with schizophrenics, or the only factor. It is risk factor
      • Link to symptoms of schizophrenia
        • Long term exposure to this communication style means children learn to perceive world in terms of contradictory input - internalised double bind situation means they are unable to discriminate between contradictory message
        • This eventually leads to manifestation of schizophrenia symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions as means of escaping double bind situation
    • Expressed emotion
      • Brown 1959 - investigated 156 men with schizophrenia that had been discharged, found relapse was connected to the type of home hey were discharged to
      • Those who stayed with parents pr wives were more likely to relapse than those in lodging or with siblings
      • Brown conducted interviews with wives and parents - found relationship between amount of expressed emotion and relapse
      • Components of EE
        • Critical comments - more critical comments eg) about laziness, were made by high EE caregivers, low EE caregivers tended to acknowledge behaviours were because of illness
        • Hostility - noted in interviews with high EE caregivers, thought to be result of unmanageable anger, irritation and rejection of patient
        • Emotional over involvement - in high levels of sadness and happiness, excessive self sacrifice and extreme overprotection of caregiver, especially reported in parents who felt guilty for child’s illness, behaviour driven by guilt
        • Warmth - measured by vocal qualities, smiling and empathy expressed when talking about individual with schizophrenia, most evident in low EE caregivers
        • Positive regard - number of reinforcing statements, caregiver expresses support and appreciation of individual with schizophrenia, lacking in low EE caregivers


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