social learning theory

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  • social learning theory
    • Associated with Banduras research; not all behaviour is learned direct experience of consequences, some learning is learnt by observation of others
    • Modelling- when someone influences someone in some way they are called a model and when the person reproduces their behaviour it is known as imitation
      • Imitation; when we reproduce a modelled behaviour, whole patterns of behaviour can be acquired rapidly through imitation, imitations more likely if we identify with the mode, perceive the behaviour to be able to be imitated (self efficacy) we believe behaviour will have positive consequences.
        • Identification;if we are in some way similar to the model or want to be associated with the model or the group in which they belong, similarity with model suggests we will experience the same outcome/consequence from the behaviour, for e.g. same gender, ethnicity, social class
          • Vicarious reinforcement, when we observe someone else being reinforced fo a behaviour will provide feedback on the consequences and allow judgement on whether to imitate the behaviour for that same outcome.
    • Meditational Process- the internal thought processes between observing  behaviour (stimuli) and imitating the behaviour(response) we dont automatically imitate behaviour we first put thought and consideration into whether we will imitate it.
      • behaviour must grab our attention as many behaviour are observed and dismissed.
      • must be able to retain the behaviour as often imitation isn't  immediate and so a memory of it is necessary to perform it later
      • we are limited by our own physical and mental abilities o not all behaviour is able to be imitated thus it is based of our self-efficacy.
      • the rewards and consequences of behaviour will be considered (motivation)
    • Banduras research- examine the effect of a continuous influence of a model (aggression and non aggressive) and if the sex of the model plays any part on influence- same sex or opposite.
      • sample consisted of children aged 3-5 and two adults a male and a female.( acting as models) the subjects saw the adults either acting aggressively ( striking the doll with a mallet and shouting verbal abuse such as pow) or non- aggressively for 10 minutes.
        • children were then put in a room with the bobo doll and then observed as to how they acted with the bobo doll. it was found that children acted more aggressively if they had watched the adult being aggressive toward the doll. Boys were also more aggressive when watching a male model.
          • Aggressive behaviour is imitated from a model especially if the subject had a model they identified with.


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