Social Learning Theory

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  • Social Learning Theory
    • The role of mediitation processs
      • 1) Attention - extent we notice certain behaviour
      • 2) Retention - how well behaviour is rembered
      • described as the 'bridge' between SLT and cognitive approach' due to the focus on how mental factors are involve in learning
      • 3) Motor reproduction - ability to perfrom the behaviour
      • 4) Motivation - will to perform based on the reward/punishment
    • Identification
      • Children are more likely to imitate the behavior of people whom they identify with
        • The role model is usually attractive, has high social status, is of a similar age and the same gender to the observer.
      • Live model - present in our environment eg parents
      • Symbolic Model - present in the media eg celebs
    • Vicarious reinforcement
      • when an observer sees their role model being rewarded for displaying a certain behaviour. 
        • The observer is then motivated to imitate this behaviour, in an effort to receive the same reward.
    • Bobo doll experiment (1961)
      • 2 groups of 36 children watched a model with a doll
        • group 1 : model was hitting the doll with a hammer and shouting at it
        • group 2: model was  non-agressive to the doll
          • G1 were more aggressive than G2 and displayed more specific acts that the model did. Boys were more aggressive
            • group 1 : model was hitting the doll with a hammer and shouting at it
            • This supports SLT as it shows that children imitate behavior of role model even if the behavior is aggressive.
      • 1963 he redid the study but with consequences
        • G1: the model was praised
          • when they all played together G1 then G3 showed most aggressive
            • This shows that imitation is more likely to occur when the model is positively reinforced, demonstratig the importance of vicarious reinforcement.
        • G2: the model was told off
          • when they all played together G1 then G3 showed most aggressive
            • This shows that imitation is more likely to occur when the model is positively reinforced, demonstratig the importance of vicarious reinforcement.
        • G3: no consequences
      • suggests that learning occurs both directly, through classical+ operant conditioning, and indirectly, through vicarious reinforcement
      •  Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment ignores the biological differences between boys and girls
        • Acknowledges the role of human cognition
    • observation
      • 2) Retention - how well behaviour is rembered
      • 1) Attention - extent we notice certain behaviour


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