Smoking and the risk of disease

  • Created by: lulu.f2
  • Created on: 07-06-17 19:04
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  • Smoking
      • Nicotine is the addictive and relatively harmless drug found in  tobacco
        • It produces a sensation of calm, well-being and being able to cope which is why people like smoking
      • Makes  the heart rate increase
      • A poisonous gas found in tobacco smoke
        • It takes up some of the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood. After you smoke up to 10% of the blood will be carrying carbon monoxide rather than Oxygen
        • It can lead to a shortage of oxygen, one reason why many smokers get more breathless when they exercise than non smokers
      • The chemicals in tobacco smoke  affect the heart and blood vessels
      • Scientists data has shown that smokers are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems than non-smokers
        • Smoking narrows the blood vessels in your skin, ageing it
        • Chemicals damage the lining of the arteries
          • This makes  coronary heart disease more likely , and it increase the risk of clot formations
        • Chemicals  in cigarette smoke can also lead to an increase of blood pressure.
      • Chemicals  in cigarette smoke can also lead to an increase of blood pressure.
      • Strokes and heart attacks
      • Cilia in the trachea and bronchi that move dirt away from the lungs are anaesthetised by some some of the chemicals in tobacco smoke.
        • This stops them working from time to time , allowing pathogens into the lungs causing coughing and a high risk of infections
      • Tar is a sticky black chemical that accumulates in the lungs turning them from pink to grey
        • Makes smokers more likely to develop bronchitis
        • Build up in delicate lung tissue can lead to the breakdown in the structure of alveoli causing COPD.
          • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Reduces the surface  to volume ratio of the lungs leading to severe breathlessness and eventually death
      • Oxygen  shortage  is a particular problems in pregnant women who smoke
        • During a pregnancy a women is carrying oxygen for her developing baby as well as herself
          • If a mothers blood carries to much carbon monoxide  the fetus may not get enough oxygen to grow properly
            • This can lead to premature births, low weight babies  and still births
        • It can lead to a shortage of oxygen, one reason why many smokers get more breathless when they exercise than non smokers
        • A poisonous gas found in tobacco smoke
          • It takes up some of the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood. After you smoke up to 10% of the blood will be carrying carbon monoxide rather than Oxygen


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