Situational Variables

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  • Situational Variables
    • Proximity
      • The physical closeness/ distance of an authority figure to the person they are giving an order to. Milgram - 65% in original setting VS 20.5% when experimenter gave orders over the phone.
    • Location
      • The place where an order is issued, status/ prestige of location. Milgram - 65% in uni lab VS 47.5% in run down building.
    • Uniform
      • People in positions of authority often have a specific outfit that is symbolic of their authority (eg) police officer. Milgram - 65% in original study VS 20% with 'member of the public (normal clothes).
    • Research support
      • Bickman (1974) New York field study, pts were asked to do tasks such as pick up litter, give confederate a coin for the parking metre. 3 uniforms for confederates: milkman, suit & security guard. people were 2x more likely to obey security guard than suit.
    • Lack of internal validity
      • Orne & Holland's criticism of pts guessing the study was even more clear in his variations, with Milgram also agreeing with the 'member of the public' variation.
    • Cross-cultural replications
      • Miranda (1981) found an obedience rate of over 90% in Spanish students, so Milgram's findings aren't limited to only Americans or only males. But most replications have taken place in individualist cultures such as Spain & Australia.


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