Language and Sexuality Theorists

  • Created by: G-Hobbs
  • Created on: 13-03-18 11:45
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  • Sexuality Theory
    • Lavender Linguistics - the study of language used by the LGBTQplus community
    • Polari
      • language variety, sociolect, anti-language
      • 2010 - labelled an endangered language
    • Pronouns
      • SWEDEN introduced gender neutral pronouns
      • ENGLAND "ze" and "thon" (1858) used informally when gender is unknown or unclear
      • encouraged by the LGBT community
      • 2012 - Brighton - term Mx (Mixter) proposed for use by the local council
    • Bill Leap - US
      • LGBT communicate with each other in ways that are "different from the linguistic practises of non-lesbian/gay" - identified pronouns
    • Paul Baker - the Guardian
      • Research shows that language is generally characterised by acronyms, play on words, double meaning, specialised codeed lexis
      • Often words describe male appearance or relate to sexual practises
    • Lackoff (1975)
      • Makes reference to the creation of identity through language of sexuality but is not expicit
      • compares gay male speech to women's and argues that men consciously and deliberately imitate these traits




I found this article to be a concise and informative resource for understanding the various theories surrounding human sexuality. It's essential to have a grasp of these theories to appreciate the complexities and diversity of human sexual orientation.

In the context of sexuality, it's crucial to recognize and respect the unique experiences and challenges faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community. To complement our understanding of these theories, individuals may also find it beneficial to explore resources that provide support and guidance specific to their sexual orientation.

For those seeking assistance or counseling related to LGBTQ+ issues, I would like to recommend checking out Calmerry's LGBTQ+ Counseling services: cause this platform connects individuals with qualified counselors who specialize in addressing the unique concerns and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. Access to knowledgeable and understanding professionals can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of one's sexual orientation.

Thank you for sharing this valuable information, and I hope that those in need find the additional support they require through resources like Calmerry's LGBTQ+ Counseling services.

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