Sexual reproduction in plants

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  • sexual reproduction in plants.
    • Stamen is male reproductive part.
      • Anther contains pollen grains these produce male gametes.
      • The filament is the stalk that supports the anther.
    • Carpel is the female reproductive part.
      • The stigma is the end bit that the pollen grians attach to.
      • The style is the rod like section that supports the stigma.
      • The ovary contains the female gametes.
    • Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma, so the male gametes can fertilise the female gametes.
      • In sexual reproduction, pollen is transferred from the anther of one plant to the stigma of a different plant. CROSS POLINATION
    • Fertilisation is the fusion of gametes.
      • A pollen grain lands on the stigmaof a flower. A pollen tube grows out of pollen grain, down the style and to the ovary.
        • A nucleus from the male gamete moves down the ube to join with a female gamete in the ovary. Fertilisation is the process when the two nuclei fuse together to form a zygote. This divides by mitosis to form an embryo.
          • Each fertilised female gamete forms a seed. The ovary delevops into a fruit around the seed.


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