Sampling Methods

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  • Sampling Methods
    • Opportunity Sample
      • Selecting people who are most easily available at the time of the study.
      • E.g. people eating in KFC, teacher's class of students etc.
      • + Less time consuming as you don't need to rely on equipment or volunteers.
      • - Researcher has a large influence over the pp's chosen and may show bias in selection of pp's.
    • Volunteer Sample
      • Volunteers make up the sample. Also known as self-selected sample.
      • + Likely to get keen and willing volunteers that want to participate so less likely to drop out.
      • - Likely to get a biased sample as only a certain type of keen and willing people are likely to volunteers to you can't generalise.
    • Random Sample
      • Every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected
      • For a small sample: draw names out of a hat. For a large sample: random number generator.
      • + Less researcher bias and pp differences are more likely to be spread over the conditions
      • - The sample may still not be representative even though time and effort has been taken to ensure this.
    • Stratified Sample
      • Sample is produced by identifying subgroups according to their frequency in their population
      • E.g. if there's 40% males and 60% females in your school, you want to make sure your sample reflects this by having 40% male and 60% female in your sample.
      • + Likely to be representative of the target population
      • - In order to generalise, you would have to identify all the key features of the population which may not be possible.
    • Systematic Sample
      • Sample obtained by selecting every nth person
      • E.g. put names on a list and select every 10th person.
      • + Limits researcher bias
      • - The sample may not be representative even though time and effort has been taken to ensure this.


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