SEE: Carbon: 6.4B

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  • 6.4B: Access and consumption of energy resources
    • Physical availability
      • UK previously relied on its own coal reserves, now relies on gas reserves in North Sea
      • Norway relies on HEP as natural energy choice, coal from Svalbard is exported
      • Are energy resources available within the country, or do they need to be imported?
    • Cost
      • As prices of Middle Eastern oil rose, UK began to rely on North Sea oil- now this is expensive, so UK is importing more
      • Norway runs 600 low cost HEP sites, but transfer to rural regions is expensive!
      • The cost of exploiting, processing, and delivering an energy source impacts on whether a country will rely on it
    • Technology
      • Tech not really an issue in the UK (we could deep coal mine if we wanted) its political opposition that stops this
        • Deep water drilling used in the North Sea
      • Norway use HEP tech and deep water drilling in North Sea
      • Tech can help with exploitation of resources that are not readily available
    • Public perception
      • In the UK public opinion is important, particularly in growing concern over fracking and nuclear sites
      • In Norway, the focus on the shift to renewable only energy mix is supported
        • Interventionist approach by Norweigan gov means no foreign companies can own primary energy source sites, meaning revenue can be invested in renewable sources
      • Public opinion can greatly impact which energy sources a gov uses, there is increasing demand for conversion to renewable sources
    • Economic development
      • UK has a lower GDP per capita ($41,000 compared to $61,000), could explain Norway's ability to invest in renewable sources
      • Costs of exploitation are relative to economic development
        • This impacts public perception and priorities!
    • Environmental priorities
      • UK had committed to a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissons by 2030 + wants to broaden energy mix
      • Norway aims for a 40% reduction in ghg emissions by 2030, it is however the largest exporter of fossil fuels
  • CASE STUDY: Norway v UK comparison


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