Section A: categorising texts- introduction

  • Created by: Sara.N
  • Created on: 15-03-14 20:58
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  • Section A: Categorising texts
    • speech and writing
      • MODE: the medium of communication, for example, speech or writing
      • sub-mode: a sub-division of mode, such as poetry, drama and conversation
      • GENRE: the category or type of a text, such as comedy, tragedy and horror
      • MULTIMODAL TEXTS: texts that combine word, image and sound to produce meaning
      • CONTEXT OF RECEPTION: the situation in which a text is read and those factors that might influence a reader's interpretation.
      • CONTEXT OF PRODUCTION: the situation in which a text is produced and those factors that might influence its writing
      • ACTUAL READER: any reader who actually engages with the text.
      • IMPLIED READER: the kind of reader a text producer has in mind when writing and who might be expected to 'follow' the author's point of view
      • IMPLIED WRITER: a constructed image of the writer a reader may have in mind
      • PURPOSE: the reason a text is produced
      • MULTI-PURPOSE: a text with more than one purpose
      • DUAL PURPOSE: a text with two clear and defined purposes
      • PRIMARY PURPOSE: the main reason a text has been produced
      • SECONDARY PURPOSE: a secondary (and sometimes more subtle) reason
      • REGISTER: a variety of language appropriate to a particular purpose and context
      • TENOR: the relationship between the participants in a conversation or between text producer and reciever
      • SPECIALIST REGISTER: a set of lexical items and grammatical constructions particular to an institution or occupational group
        • E.g. JARGON: specialist terminology that may exclude others
      • COLLOQUILALISM: a set of informal terms used in everyday language


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