The 3 conferences 1943 and 1945

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  • Section 4
    • The Teheran Conference 1943
      • Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt.
      • USA and Britain would open a second front to split the German defences and take some pressure off USSR.
        • USA and Britain wanted to focus on a single front.
      • USSR would declare war on Japan once Germany had been defeated.
      • Poland should be given more land from Germany but lose some to USSR.
      • Roosevelt often sided with Stalin and not churchill e.g. Churchill wanted to invade The Balkans to stop soviet advance in Eastern Europe; Stalin opposed to this and Rossevelt supported Stalin.
    • The Yalta Conference 1945
      • Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt.
      • agreements from Teheran but with some changes.
        • Germany would be reduced in size and have to pay reperations.
        • The rebuilding of Europe would be done along the lines of the Atlantic Charter agreed between USA and Britain 1941.
        • Nazi party would be banned and war criminals would be tried infront of a court.
        • USSR would declare war on japan 3 months after the defeat of Germany.
        • Poland should be in the soviet 'sphere of influence' but run on a broader democratic basis.
      • Britain had entered the second world war to defend Poland
        • America had entered to avoid the spreading of communism further west.
          • Stalin wanted Poland as a buffer between USSR and the west.
      • They had difference agreements on what democracy meant.
        • Stalin thought a democratic government was a communist government as it only truly represented the working class people.
        • Roosevelt believed a democracy government involved lots of political parties competing to win people's support in free elections.
    • The Potsdam Conference 1945
      • Churchill, Stalin and Truman
        • Truman had no relationship with Stalin and personal trust and understanding built in the first conferences,was lost.
        • Atlee replaced Churchill.
      • Stalin grew suspicious of Truman because Stalin was not aware of America's testing of their new atomic bomb.
      • Germany had been defeated and so the Big three were no longer united by a common enemy.
      • They came to agreements around Germany.
        • Ban the Nazi party and prosecute surviving criminals
        • reduce the size of Germany.
        • Divide Germany into four zones: USA, USSR, Britain and France, with the aim of reuniting it under one government.
        • Divide Berlin into four zones and they can take the industrial equipment in that zone.
          • USSR had a least developed zone and so got a quarter of the industrial equipment from the other 3 zones, but had to pay it back in raw materials e.g. coal.
      • There were disagreements.
        • Reperations
          • USSR wanted to impose heavy reparations on Germany but America wanted Germany to be rebuilt.
          • USSR's zone was alot poorer from the rest and so the wester n allies agreed to give a quatre of the industrial equipment from the wester zone in return for raw materials.
          • Each ally would take reparations from the zone they occupied.
        • Atomic bomb
          • America had an atomic bomb that could destroy enemy cities with out harming a single American's life.
          • Stalin had instructed Soviet scientists to develop their own atomic bomb. This wold create a buffer zone between USSR and the west.
        • Poland
          • Stalin had agreed to set up a communist and capitalist government but he had broken his word and just made it a communist government.
        • Greece
          • The german retreat left the monarchists and the communists fighting to rule Grece.
          • British troops helped the monarchists under the claim of restoring free elections.
            • a civil war broke out- Britain pulled out and USA stepped in.
  • Churchill, Stalin and Truman
    • Truman had no relationship with Stalin and personal trust and understanding built in the first conferences,was lost.
    • Atlee replaced Churchill.


Bonita Mallinson


This is Awesome......thanks! :)

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