The theme of secrecy in Jekyll and Hyde

  • Created by: 06eprice
  • Created on: 03-04-17 14:34
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  • Secrecy in Jekyll and Hyde
    • Smog: Refers to Victorian England. Smog hides things and prevents someone from seeing past it. this emphasises the theme of secrecy.
      • Chapter 4 - The Carew case murder: " fog rolled over the city in the small hours" The city is shrouded by the fog, covering and hiding its secrets. "the fog lifted a little and showed him a dingy street" This suggests that one thing is being revealed at a time. Secrets are becoming uncovered slowly.
    • Doors: Throughout the novel, secrecy is a key theme and is often presented by doors. Most doors throughout the novel are closed - hiding something behind it, or keeping something out.
      • Chapter 1 - The story of the door: "The door, which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker..." Doors normally have some way of letting the owner know you are there, what is behind the door? Why is there no way of communication?
    • Windows: The theme of secrecy is emphasised by the use of windows. Windows are either barred, not there at all, or half closed. By having windows half closed, it suggests that some things are being revealed, but at the same time secrets are still being kept.
      • Chapter 7 - The incident at the window: "the middle of three windows was half-way open." Suggests something is still being kept behind it. "Sitting beside it... like some disconsolate prisoner, was Jekyll." Implies that the window is keeping Jekyll in, he is a prisoner in his own home, with secrets to hide.
    • "He must have secrets of his own; black secrets, by the look of him; secrets" Rule of three, enhances the fact that Jekyll has secrets of his own.




This is an excellent overview of the secrecy theme, however a lot is left out. For example: the letters give away many clues however Utterson keeps them hidden from both other characters and the reader. There is so much more to say on the fog, such as when it was in Jekyll's laboratory. This  emphasises the fact that Jekyll is hiding something from his friends, perhaps to protect his well valued reputation, or perhaps for a darker, more sinister reason.

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