Religion and Science

Key ides surronding Science and Religion

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 04-12-14 11:15
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  • Religion and Science
    • Creationism
      • Creationism is the belief that everything within the universe is a result of divine creation rather than by evolution
      • Some take the Bible literally and say God created life in one event whilst others don't limit it to one event
      • Rejects evolution
      • Modern creationists use scientific evidence in their argument
      • Most scientists disagree with creationism
        • Michael Behe is a scientist and a creationist
    • Big Bang Theory + Evolution
      • Scientists believe that the big explosion is how the Universe began around 14 billion years ago
        • The Universe is still expanding  - Red shift but we started at one tiny point
      • Stephen Hawking came up with the Big Bang Theory
        • Book = A Brief History of Time
      • 5 year voyage of studying nature came to the conclusion that a gradual transformation of species had taken place
        • Natural selection made some traits more favourable than others
          • Dawkins: "Big enough to undermine the idea of creation but simple enough to be stated in one sentence - the theory of natural selection is a masterpiece"
      • Darwin came up with the theory of evolution
        • Book = The Origin of Species
        • believes he has empirically proven his theory at each stage
    • Intelligent design
      • Intelligent design is a scientific theory
      • Product of chance or intelligent design or a combination
        • Example of an eye - it has so many independent parts so it can't evolve into what it is now as all those parts are needed to make it fulfil its purpose without one there is no need for it
          • It is irreducibly complex
      • Irreducible complexity
        • Michael Behe
          • Book = Darwin's Black Box
          • "By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning"
        • Direct gradual evolution proceeds only by stepwise addition of parts. By definition an irreducibly complex system lacking a part is non-functional
        • "By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning"
    • Types of creationist
      • Young Earth Creationism
        • Genesis is literally true - Phillip Gosse wrote a book called Omphalos
      • Old Earth Creationism
        • Earth is around 14 billion years old (same as science)
        • Believe there have been many divine acts and that humanity was directly created by God
          • Doesn't believe in the literal meaning of Genesis
      • Gap Creationism - form of old earth creatoinism
        • Old Earth Creationism
          • Earth is around 14 billion years old (same as science)
          • Believe there have been many divine acts and that humanity was directly created by God
            • Doesn't believe in the literal meaning of Genesis
        • 2 creation stories - the fall took place in between them
        • Science say this theory is false
      • Day Age Creationism
        • Believes that the '6 days of creation' wasn't really 6 days but a period of millions of years
          • Although this theory closes the distance between creationism and evolution scientists still say it is false
      • Progressive Creationism
        • Accepts the scientific timetable of creation
        • God created the animals and plants that then evolved over a period of time + uses fossils as evidence
    • Other Scholars
      • John Polkinghorne
        • Believes God is the reason why there is something rather than nothing
      • Alistair McGraths
        • "For me, science is very, very good at answering a lot of questions... just not all questions"
    • Genesis vs. Big Bang
      • Differences
        • Genesis states that the world was made in 6 days and it was around 6 thousand years ago - science believes the earth has taken 14.54bn years to form
          • Genesis believes God made the earth from nothing (ex nihilo)- science believes in the big bang
            • Genesis says God made everything - the big bang says it was formed from millions of gasses and chemical reactions
              • Genesis says that light was the first thing and plants before the sun moon and stars - Big bang suggests no light for hundreds and thousands of years then matter formed and stars were created
      • Similarities
        • Both science and Genesis believe the world was made from nothing
          • Both accounts of creation are put into individual steps
            • Some religious believers think that both could be true and that the big bang theory exists but it must have been created by something







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