
  • Created by: eeesh
  • Created on: 04-03-19 10:20
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  • Schmolck (Contemporary)
    • Aim:To investigate the effects of specific brain damage on semantic memory using case studies. Specifically the relationship between semantic test scores, temporal lobe damage and to look at the uniqueness of HM
    • 6 patients with amnaesia were compared to 8 normal control ppts. matched on age, sex, and education.
      • The brain damaged patients were divided into groups according to their brain damage. (MTL damage and MTL+ which were MTL and anterolateral cortex damage.)
    • Method
      • lab experiment over 5 sittings
        • 13 tests, 9 from semantic test battery using line drwaings of 24 animals and 24 objects which could be grouped into smaller categories.
          • asked to complete various tasks such as the pyramid and palms task and filling in gaps
            • %correct of incorrect were scored except on tests 6,8,9 where their accuracy was scored 0-4 and researchers compared.
              • Those with hippocampus damage (HF) were able to name, point out and answer questions about objects they were given with considerable accuracy
                • Those with MTL+ performed less well. they also had difficulty thinking of examples from categories.
                  • MTL+ 50% for living objects, 62% for non-living. HM 66.7% and 90% for non living, he did the worst in the MTL group.
                    • MTL+ patients had greater difficulty than MTL suggesting that anterolateral temporal cortex is responsible for semantic knowledge.
    • Reliable as it was lab based, however lacks ecological validity and mundane realism.
    • Matched design used, which controls ppt variables.
    • inter-rater reliability.
    • Small sample of unique individuals so not generalisable
    • Ethical issues when working with vulnerable people
    • Findings match up with other research about semantic dementia.


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