Dr. Faustus Quotes Scene 1

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  • Scene 1:
    • 'Settle thy studies, Faustus, and begin'
      • Play writes use third person to present a character as arrogant, or he could even be being portrayed as being crazy.
    • 'Ubi destinit philosophus, ibi incipit medicus'
      • The Latin in this first soliloquy could be used by Marlowe to criticise the Medieval Church regime, and their use of Latin in the Bible and Chruch, an thus the lack of understanding.
      • However it could also be used to represent Faustus' high level of education.
      • OR EVEN, The Latin could be used to represent the struggle of a renaissance man in a Medieval society.
    • 'Affords the art no greater miracle?'
      • Here Faustus is questioning the importance of Aristotle, Aristotle was used often in universities and was considered of high intelligence, however now Faustus is questioning him.
      • 'Be a physician... And be eternised for some wondrous cure' - Medicine as a way to eternal life- already Faustus is trying to transgress the boundaries of our natural capabilities - Link to FRANKENSTEIN.
    • 'Physic, farewell! Where is Justinian?... To servile and illiberal for me'
      • Faustus feels law is too 'lowly' for him- arrogance.
      • 'Then read no more'
    • 'Body of the Church... Who aims at nothing but external trash'
      • Could be criticising the materialistic needs of the Catholic church. - REFORMATION.
    • 'Et nulla est in nobis veritas'
      • If Faustus were to have finished off this quote, it would have hinted redemption, but he did not, so does this imply Faustus' self-damnation?
    • 'Of power, of honour, of omnipotence'
      • Trying to be God-like just like Frankenstein. However you could also question if Marlowe saying that a renaissance man want's God-like powers- and is he therefore criticising the renaissance man? 'One step higher would step me highest' - Paradise lost.
    • 'Reward of sin is death'
    • 'Our experience, Shall make all nations to cannonise us'
      • Irony- exactly what will NOT happen. Instead he opts for trivial pleasures.
    • 'Magic hath ravished me'
      • Sexual connotation- A language of gluttony has negative connotations- start of Faustus' downfall?
    • 'This night I'll conjure, though I die therefore'.
      • A casual colloquial oath, which carries with it the extra significance that Faustus will die not just the literal sense, but in the Christian sense of eternal spiritual death.
      • 'O, this cheers my soul!'
        • He's lost his soul! Is this proof of Faustus' self-deceit?


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