Sahara Desert Place Specific Information

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  • Sahara Desert
    • Tourism
      • Star Wars was filmed in Tunisia
    • Indigenous People
      • Bedouin are nomadic pastoralist
        • How They Survive In The Desert?
          • They Wear woolen clothes.
            • Provides Insulation from the heat in the day as well as the cold night
            • Clothes loosely fitted
              • This allows air to circulate the body
          • Live in Tents
            • Warm at night and provide shelter from the wind
          • They plan their journey carefully, so they pass oasis in the Sahara
          • How do they overcome water shortages?
            • Follow Mosquitoes because they live near water
            • turn over stones in the morning to collect dew
          • Use animals for food and clothing such as camels.
        • Nowadays people from the Bedouin have settled (usually in the Sahel Region)
        • How do they use the desert?
          • Herd animals and migrate each year to find fresh vegetation and water
            • Increasingly, the Bedouin are abandoning this traditional way of life and settling in one place (can result in desertification
              • some are moving to cities for a better quality of life
      • Impact
        • Little Impact because they move away from an area before the resources are exhausted, making it sustainable
        • However, population growth is rapid so increased pressure on scarce supplies of water
        • Where the Bedouin have settled (like the Sahel region), over cultivation and over grazing can lead to desertification because the land is unable to sustain such use.
          • Vegetation is reduced so the soil is exposed and eroded by strong winds. Trees are cut down, so they no longer offer a wind break, so erosion increases
    • Oil
      • B.P Oil (non-renewable)  Drilling in Algeria
        • Oil drilling in Algeria is in a deep remote location in the desert, so access is difficult
          • To overcome these transport and accessibility issues, a landing ***** has been constructed and workers are transported in and out by a plane
          • Drilling for oil requires a large volume of water but there is very little rainfall since its a desert.
            • So they pump water from deep groundwater sources to cool the heat generated during drilling. With the local food supply, all food is flown to the base by air.
              • Once the oil is extracted, huge networks of pipelines carry the oil across the desert ti the sea ports on the North African coast, where it is exported to countries across the world
        • Base employs 40,000 people and the quest for oil has created a settlement in one of the most hostile environments in Earth
          • Flares burn off surplus oil and gas and can be seen from great distances
            • Oil rigs are unsightly but necessary in this quest for oil
              • Base employs 40,000 people and the quest for oil has created a settlement in one of the most hostile environments in Earth
                • Flares burn off surplus oil and gas and can be seen from great distances
                  • Oil rigs are unsightly but necessary in this quest for oil
      • Solar Power Plant in Algeria
      • Film Production (e.g. Star Wars, The Mummy, The English Patient and Indiana Jones)


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