R.S Unit 8: Religion and Society: Section 3 Peace and Conflict continued

  • Created by: Clover
  • Created on: 14-02-16 17:26
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  • R.S - Unit 8: Religion and Society - Section 3: Peace and Conflict continued
    • 3.7 Christians attitudes towards bullying
      • Bullying: What is it?
        • This affects your everyday behaviour.
        • Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself.
        • Being singled out and make you feel different.
        • There are different ways of bullying, physical, verbal and relational.
        • There is now cyber-bullying.
        • Bullying goes on for 24 hours now.
      • Christians are against bullying because:
        • Violence without any cause is sinful.
        • Human beings are God's creation and shouldn't be mistreated.
        • Human rights should be protected: no one should live in fear.
        • They should protect the weak and innocent from harm; bullying is the opposite of this.
    • 3.8 Muslim attitudes towards bullying
      • Muslims are against bullying because:
        • Clearly, bullies have no respect for the people they bully, no understanding of their responsibilities.
        • Islam regards using violence without a just cause as sinful and bullying always involves using violence and this is sinful.
        • Islam teaches that all Muslims are members of the ummah and should have equal treatment and respect.
        • Bullying is exactly the opposite of this as bullies attack and exploit the weak and innocent, so bullying must be wrong.
    • 3.9 Religious conflict in families
      • There are four main ways that religion can cause arguments and fights in families:
        • 1) Children no longer wanting to be religious:
          • Religious tell parents to bring their children up in the faith and make sure that they become full members of it as adults.
          • Parents worry that without religion their children will become immoral and might make bad decisions.
          • Parents worry that they will not see children when they die as they might not go to heaven.
        • 2) Children being more religious than their parents:
          • If the child wants to have a low-paid job as a priest and is not allowed to marry.
          • If the child criticises the parents e.g. Muslims parents who sell alcohol in an off-licence.
          • If the child tries to force the parents to be more religious e.g. Christian children wanting their parents to read the Bible everyday.
        • 3) Children wanting to marry someone from a different faith:
          • Often there can be no religious weeding if they are not the same religion.
          • There is a question of which religion the children of the marriage will be brought up in.
          • Parents feel their children have betrayed them by falling in love with someone from a different religion.
        • 4) Disagreements over decisions:
          • If a Catholic Christian decides to divorce and marry someone else (as divorce isn't allowed in this faith).
          • If a couple decide to live together rather than marrying.
          • If a family member decides to have an abortion.
    • 3.10/3.11 Religious attitudes towards forgiveness and reconciliation
      • What Christians think about forgiveness?
        • Christian people in forgiving people and bringing them closer together again because:
          • 1) Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness of Christian's sins and he is the ultimate role-model for Christians.
          • 2) Jesus said that if Christians do not forgive others, they will be forgiven by God.
          • 3) St Paul said that Christians should try to live in peace with everyone.
          • 4) All the Churches teach that Christians should use forgiveness and reconciliation to end conflicts.
      • What Muslims think about forgiveness?
        • Muslim people in forgiving people and bringing them close together again because:
          • 1) God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, so Muslims should also be forgiving.
          • 2) How can Muslims ask for God's forgiveness on the Last Day, they are not prepared for forgive people?
          • 3) The Qur'an says that Muslims should forgive those who offend them.
          • 4) Muhammad said in many hadith that Muslims should be forgiving.
          • However, Muslims should not be forgiving to those who work against Islam.


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