RP - Titration

  • Created by: India.02
  • Created on: 08-05-19 11:42
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  • RP - Titrations
    • Method
      • 1. To find the concentration of some alkali - use a pipette and a pipette filler add a set volume of the alkali to a conical flask - add 2 or 3 drops of indicator too
      • 2. Use a funnel to fill a burette with some acid of known concentration - do this below eye level to avoid acid falling in your eyes - record the initial volume of acid in the burette
      • 3. Use burette to add the acid to the alkali a bit at a time - give flask a swirl and swirl slowly when you think it is close to the end
      • 4. Indicator changes colour when all the alkali has been neutralised - phenol-phthalein is pink in alkaline conditions, but colourless in acidic conditions
      • 5. Record the final volume of acid in the burette, and use it, along with the initial reading, to calculate the volume of acid used to neutralise the alkali
    • Repetition
      • Repeat the test to increase the accuracy and spot any anomalous results - several consistent readings
      • Calculate a mean of your results and ignore any anomalous results
    • Indicators
      • Universal Indicator is used to estimate the pH of a solution because it can turn into a range of colours - each colour indicates a narrow range of pH
      • Phenol-phthalein - colourless in acids and pink in alkalis
        • Litmus - red in acids and blue in alkalis
        • Methyl Orange - red in acids and yellow in alkalis
    • Appartus
      • Pipette - measures only one volume of solution - fill about 3cm above the line and then drop the level to the line
      • Burette - measures different volumes and let you add the solution drop by drop
      • Conical Flask - holds the liquids that are used in the test
      • Scale - shows the volume of acid used


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