Romeo and Juliet - Context

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  • Romeo and Juliet: Context
    • Religion
      • Suicide, betrayal and Bigamy (marrying someone else whilst your already married) were considered mortal sins
      • Romeo and Juliet was set in a catholic society. This society has a strong belief in damnation as a result of mortal sin
      • Romeo and Juliet use religious language to declare their love to each other
        • Audience see the purity of the love they have for each other, which makes them also feel more sympathetic towards the characters
      • Church had a big influence in the 16th century, the characters respect for the church is shown through their relationship with the Friar
        • The only time Juliet was allowed out alone was to go to make confession
        • Everyone had to attend church on Sunday. Anyone who didn't attend would be punished with a fine
    • Marriage
      • Sometimes marriage was for money and not love
        • High class women married to high class men to maintain the families wealth and high status
      • Marriage is usually a positive thing but Shakespeare uses the feud to show how strong feelings like love and honour can lead to conflict
      • At the time the play was set it was uncommon for girls to marry at an early age
    • The Great Chain of Being
      • In Elizabethan society they believed that God set out an order for everything
      • Women always came below men
    • Family
      • Wealthy families could afford wet nurses to look after their children, often causing a distant relationship between the child and parents
        • Explains why Romeo and Juliet didn't approach their parents about the situation
      • The father was the undisputed head of the household
      • Children were often seen as property
    • Patriarchal Society
      • Girls/Women were expected to obey their fathers/ husbands
        • Women were very unlikely to stand up to their husbands in fear of sending them away
          • Women were seen as weak and were expected to be ruled over by men
            • They had no authority and could not own their own property
              • Women were often objectified
      • Boys got more freedom, girls weren't allowed out alone
        • The only time Juliet was allowed out alone was to go to make confession
      • Women were seen as weak and were expected to be ruled over by men
        • They had no authority and could not own their own property
          • Women were often objectified
      • Woman's main role was to satisfy the man


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