Rise of Hitler

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  • Rise of Hitler
    • Nazi aims
      • Anti-Semitic
      • Aryan supremacy
      • Anti-communist
      • Lebensraum
      • Fuhrerprinzship
      • Volksgemeinschaft
      • Opposes 'degenerate' culture
    • Rise of the Nazis
      • 1919 - The DAP is set up (German Workers party) is formed. Hitler is the 55th member to join
      • 1920 - The DAP becomes the NSDAP - Hitler begins to draft the 25 point programme
      • 1921 - Hitler becomes party leader. The SA is set up
      • 1923 - Munich Putsch - Fails
      • 1924 - Hitler is arrested for 5 years, and writes 'Mein Kampf' my struggle before his release 9 months later
      • 1925 - Hitler reorganises the party to prepare for power legally
      • 1926 - Fuhereprinzip is applied to the party
      • 1928 - Gains some seats (only 12) in rural areas
      • 1929 - Wall street crash
      • 1930 - Hindenburg dissolves the Reichstag and fresh elecctions are held. The chancellor Muller of the SPD, resigns. Bruning of the centre party (which is leaning right) becomes chancellor but relies on article 48 to pass laws
      • 1932 - Hitler campaigns for president; he looses to Hindenburg but still gained 37% of the Vote. Bruning is sacked and replaced by Von papen (who lacks the support of the Reichstag) Eleactions are eld in July 1932 and the Nazis win 230 seats. There is another election in novemeber and the vote drops 196 votes.Von papen is replaced by von schleicher. Von papen does deal with hitler. Hitler becomes chancello and von papen in his cabinet.
      • 1922-30th January, Hitler is appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg
    • Why did they do a deal with Hitler?
      • Hindenbug and Von Papen felt they could control Hitler. They were going to use his Reichstag influence, but limit his demands. Von Papen persuaded Hindenburg that the alternative was a Nazi revolt and Civil War
    • But why vote for Hitler?
      • Nazi Campaigning Skills/ Hitler
        • Nazi Campaigning methods were modern and effective. Generalised slogans rather than detailed policies. Unclear what they stood for so hard to criticise.
        • Posters and pamphets found everywhere. Alternative to communists. ** and SA give impression of discipline and orde. Not afraid to change policies to make people happy. Offered emplyment. Hitler was powerful orator.
      • Fear of communism
        • Many were aware of what was going on under the communist regime in Russia. Communist gangs in Germany were violent and dangerous. The Nazis managed to appeal to all different groups who were scared of the communists.
      • Disillusionment with Democracy
        • The Weimar politicians seemed unable to tackle the problems of the great depression - bruning had to impose unpopular policies such as raising taxes and cutting government spending. Democracy was seen as weak because to many it was down to the weimar republics surrender that Germany lost the war.


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