Revision of History, why did he do this?

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  • Revision of History, Why did Stalin do this?
    • He wanted to destroy the reputations of the other Bolshevik leaders. This would explain why he had put them on trail and had them executed.
    • He picked on Trotsky in particular, because Lenin had chosen him as his successor. He accused him of treason and said that it he had done nothing to help Russia.
    • Stalin claimed that he had had been responsible for the successes in the civil war in 1918 to 1920.
    • He wanted to make out that he and Lenin had been very close friends and that only he knew what Lenin had intended to do in Russia.
    • This would explain why Stalin had become the leader and would make Russians accept him. He had made sure that Lenin's body was preserved in huge mausoleum in Red Square and encourage Soviet citizens to visit it.
    • He wanted to build himself up to be all-powerful and stop anyone opposing his idea. This became known as the 'Cult of Personality'. Stalin made out that he was a superman who never made any mistakes.


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