Geography -- revision checklist Minehead

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  • Revision checklist -- Minehead
    • 1)  Can you clearly state your title or hypothesis?
      • Analysing coastal defences in Minhead
    • 2) Can you draw your sketch map with sites and labels on it, by hand accurately?
    • 3) Can you list 2 reasons why you went to the study area in PRACTICAL terms
      • It is a small town, making it easier to evaluate
        • They have rock armour, beach nourishment and sea defences
    • 4) Can you list 2 reasons why you went to the study area to examine the THEORY
      • It has a relatively new coastal management scheme, a variety of businesses and tourism
    • 5) Can you describe the location of the study area at a local and national scale using compass directions, distances and locallandmarks?
      • The South West of Somerset, in Southern England near the River Holford
    • 6) Can you describe the theory behind your topic in detail?
      • We wanted to see whether the coastal management scheme was worth the cost and was approved by the community
    • 8) what risks were there in collecting your data?
      • Stranger danger etc
    • 9) How did you reduce those risks prior to going, during the visit and after the collection
      • Going around in pairs etc
    • 10) Can you give a clear step by step description of how you collected 2types of data?
      • The questionnaire and cost/benefit analysis
    • 11) What sampling methods were used to collect the data?
      • Mainly opportunity and systematic  sampling
    • 12) Can you give full and detailed reasons why you collected the data in this way?
      • To get ideas about the communities views, and to analyse
    • 13) Can you identify all of the problems you had collecting information for 2 of your methods?
      • Not people from varied enough groups and not being able to get into places
    • 14) Can you sketch 2 graphs you presented your data with , with data on?
    • 15) Can you say why you presented the data in a certain way?
      • Questionnaire -- pied harts to show obvious opinion
      • Subdivided bar chart for the cost/benefit
    • 16) Detailed sequence about how the graph was constructed?
      • Just say drew it and found percentage answers etc
    • 17) Can you say how you would add or adapt the presentation methods?
      • Add percentages to the things and make a colour shaded chloropleth map for cost/benefit
    • 18) Can you quote 2 results that link to your aim?
      • 1= the cost/benefit ratio was 1:11.5
      • 2= 60% strongly approved of the sea defences, 18% dissaproved
    • 19) Can you explain the results in relation to you r theorem
    • 20) How did you use statistics to help you analyse your data?
      • We found percentages for questionnaire, we found the ratio for cost/benefit
    • 21) Are you able to answer your title question using evidence?
      • Yes the coastal management is good because...
    • 22) You you think some of your results link together?
      • Yes, people like it because it has a good cost/benefit ratio
    • 23) Can you be sure of the reliability and validity of you results?
      • Yes for broad results but may have underestimated and questionnairewas only one group of people
    • 24) can you list 2 ways your data collection methods could be improved
      • Door to door for questionnaireand using actual data about the house + business prices
    • 25) Do these improvements link to the problems listed earlier?
      • Yes, questionnaireprobs
    • 26 How would you improve the reliability and validity
      • Repeat, accurate info etc


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