Reversible reactions

  • Created by: emews
  • Created on: 14-11-17 18:12
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  • Reversible reactions
    • Many reactions, such as burning fuel, are irreversible - they go to completion and cannot be reversed easily.
      • Reversible reactions are different. In a reversible reaction, the products can react to produce the original reactantsagain.
    • When writing chemical equations for reversible reactions, the usual one-way arrow is not used. Instead, two arrows are used, each with just half an arrowhead - the top one pointing right, and the bottom one pointing left.
    • The reaction between anhydrous copper(II) sulfate and water is used as a test for water. The white solid turns blue in the presence of water.
    • Equilibrium
      • If a chemical reaction happens in a container where one or more of the reactants or products can escape, you have an open system.
      • If a chemical reaction happens in a container where none of the reactants or products can escape, you have a closed system.
      • Reversible reactions that happen in a closed system eventually reach equilibrium.
      • At equilibrium, the concentrations of reactants and products do not change. But the forward and reverse reactions have not stopped - they are still going on, and at the same rate as each other.
      • You can predict what happens to the amount of product in an equilibrium mixture of gases if the pressure is changed.
      • If the pressure is increased, the position of equilibriummoves in the direction of the fewest moles of gas.
      • You can predict what happens to the amount of product in an equilibrium mixture if the temperature is changed:
        • if the temperature is increased, the position of equilibrium moves in the direction of the endothermic reaction
        • if the temperature is reduced, the position of equilibrium moves in the direction of the exothermic reaction


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