Developed countries

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  • Responsibilities of developed countries
    • The challenge for people in developed countries is the need to reduce their use of scarce resources and reduce pollution, which is associated with over-consumption.
    • In many instances, people in developing countries need to consume more; for example to gain greater access to clean water and electricity.
      • One method might be to trade more with developed countries to bring in much-needed foreign investment to domestic economies.
      • However, developed countries need to shrink their markets to address over-consumption, which creates tighter and more impenetrable markets for developing countries to sell to.
    • Several practical steps towards sustainable consumption:
      • Improving analysis, public awareness and participation
      • Providing incentives for sustainable consumption
      • Energy: sustainable use, efficiency and renewable sources
      • Implementing new strategies for transportation and sustainable cities
      • Accelerating the use of more efficient and cleaner technologies
      • Strengthening international action and cooperation
    • Kyoto Protocol
      • The Kyoto Protocol is an amendment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, an international treaty on the contribution of human activities to global warming.
      • The protocol sets targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
        • The objective of the protocol is to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous changes to the world's climate.
      • The treaty was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan in 1997 and came into force in 2005. A total of 169 countries have signed up to the agreement.


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