B4: Respiration

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  • Aerobic Respiration
    • B4:Respiration
      • Anaerobic respiration
        • Anaerobic respiration doesn't use oxygen at all.
          • Transfers energy from glucose- transfers much less energy per glucose molecule.
          • Anaerobic takes place in the cytoplasm of animals and plant cells when there's very little or no oxygen.
            • 1) Human cells - when you do really vigorous exercise, your body can't supply enough oxygen to your muscle cells for aerobic respiration.
              • when plants and some microorganisms (including yeast) respire anaerobically, they produce ethanol and carbon dioxide instead o lactic acid
                • Anaerobic respiration
                  • Anaerobic respiration doesn't use oxygen at all.
                    • Transfers energy from glucose- transfers much less energy per glucose molecule.
                    • Anaerobic takes place in the cytoplasm of animals and plant cells when there's very little or no oxygen.
                      • 1) Human cells - when you do really vigorous exercise, your body can't supply enough oxygen to your muscle cells for aerobic respiration.
                        • when plants and some microorganisms (including yeast) respire anaerobically, they produce ethanol and carbon dioxide instead o lactic acid
                        • 2) Plant root cells- if the soil a plant is growing in becomes waterlogged, there'll be no oxygen available for the roots, so the root cells will have to respire anaerobically.
                        • 3) Bacterial cells - Bacteria can get under your skin through puncture wounds caused by things i.e nails there's very little oxygen under the skin so only bacteria that can respire anaerobically can survive there.
              • 2) Plant root cells- if the soil a plant is growing in becomes waterlogged, there'll be no oxygen available for the roots, so the root cells will have to respire anaerobically.
              • 3) Bacterial cells - Bacteria can get under your skin through puncture wounds caused by things i.e nails there's very little oxygen under the skin so only bacteria that can respire anaerobically can survive there.
        • Respiration is the process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose.
      • Aerobic respiration needs plenty of oxygen.
        • Glucose gets broken down and combines the products with oxygen to make carbon dioxide (a waste product) and water.
        • Glucose + Oxygen =  Carbon dioxide + Water
          • C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O
        • Eukaryotic  (plant and animal) cells
          • Respiration mostly takes place in subcellular structures called mitochondria. This contains enzymes which are needed to control aerobic respiration reactions.
        • Prokaryotic cells (microorganis i.e bacteria)
          • All aerobic respiration takes place in the cytoplasm.


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