Resource Management

  • Created by: CallumD2
  • Created on: 28-08-18 14:39
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  • Resource Management
    • Food
      • Countries in Asia grow more cereal crops, rice and sugar than other parts of the world. They are also the biggest producers of meat, milk and fish.
      • North American countries produce the most coarse grain. This is used for making animal feed and for brewing.
      • European countries grow the most barley. They are also the second biggest producers of  meat, milk and fish.
      • Global Calorie Intake
        • Countries in North America, Europe, Oceania all consume over 2,850 calories every day. Also Brazil, and some countries in Asia also consume above 2,850 calories.
        • Most countries in Africa, Asia and South America consume less than 2,390 calories every day.
    • Water
      • Countries along the Equator have enough water. Warm, moist air rises here, which causes high levels of rainfall.
      • Countries to the north of the Equator  have physical water scarcity. This is when there isn’t enough rainfall. Cooler, dry air falls here.
      • Countries to the south of the Equator experience some water scarcity. This is less severe than in the north.
      • Countries  that are furthest away from the Equator have enough rainfall to provide plenty of fresh water.
    • Energy
      • Saudi Arabia, Russia and the USA produce the most oil. Around 66% of global oil supplies are found in the Middle East.
      • The USA, Russia and China have the largest coal reserves. Around 70 countries have coal reserves and there is enough coal left to last for another 112 years.
      • Russia, Iran and Qatar have the largest natural gas reserves. Globally, there is enough natural gas to last for around 50 years.
      • Australia, Kazakhstan and Russia have the largest uranium reserves. Uranium is a non-renewable resource used to generate nuclear power.


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