Reproductive Cells and the Menstrual Cycle/Hormones

  • Created by: Eben9896
  • Created on: 17-03-14 20:03
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  • Reproductive Cells and the Menstrual Cycle/Hormones
    • Specialised Sex Cells for reproduction
      • Egg
        • Straight after fertilisation the eggs membrane changes to stop sperm from getting in.
        • Egg contains nutrients in the cytoplasm to feed the embryo
        • It has a haploid nucleus so that when the egg is fertilised the resulting  cell will have the correct number of chromosomes.
      • Sperm
        • Sperm have mitochondria in their middle section to provide energy needed to swim the distance
        • Sperm have tails so that they can swim to the egg.
        • Sperm also have an acrosome at the front of the head where they store enzymes needed to digest through the membrane of the egg cell
    • Menstrual Cycle
      • Stage 1: Day 1 is when bleeding starts as a result of the uterus lining breaking down and being released
        • Stage 2 : The lining of the uterus builds up again from day 4 - 14 ready to receive a fertilised egg.
          • Stage 3:  An egg is released from the ovary.(Ovulation)
            • The lining in maintained for about 14 days until day 28. If no fertilised egg has landed on the uterus wall by day 28 is starts to break down and starts over.
              • Stage 1: Day 1 is when bleeding starts as a result of the uterus lining breaking down and being released
                • Stage 2 : The lining of the uterus builds up again from day 4 - 14 ready to receive a fertilised egg.
                  • Stage 3:  An egg is released from the ovary.(Ovulation)
                    • The lining in maintained for about 14 days until day 28. If no fertilised egg has landed on the uterus wall by day 28 is starts to break down and starts over.
      • FSH: Causes a follicle to mature in one of the ovaries and stimulates oestrogen production.
        • Oestrogen: Causes the lining of the uterus to thicken and grow and also stimulates a LH surge
          • LH: The LH surge stimulates ovulation at day 14 as the follicle ruptures releasing the egg. I also stimulates the remains of the follicle to develop into a structure called a corpus luteum which secretes progeterone
            • Progesterone: This maintains the lining of the uterus and also inhibits the production of FSH and LH
    • Hormones


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