Religious causes of rebellion

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  • Religious causes of rebellion
    • Pilgrimage of Grace 1536
      • Fears of heresy - also shared by Henry VII evidenced by drawing up of the Act of Ten Articles stressing the importance of Baptism and less of confirmation and marriage.
      • Aims to defend clerical privileges - do not want to pay "first fruits and tenths" and want to restore benefit of the clergy
        • First fruits - taxes on 1st yrs of income for a bishop
        • Benefit of clergy - exemption of trial by the court where there is a felony for anyone who could read am passage from scripts
    • Wyatt's Rebellion 1554
    • Northern Earls Rebellion 1569
      • Northumberland and Westmoreland catholic, resenting appointment of Protestant bishops in Durham
        • Supported Mary Queen of Scots to throne in order to bring Catholicism back to England
          • Fears against the placement of 'Act of Uniformity' in 1569 that punished heresy
  • Wyatt's Rebellion 1554
  • Scheduled investigations and closure of 100 small monasteries starts rebellion in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
    • Feared that monastries will mean education for youth declines and 'spiritual information and preaching' from monks would be lost.
    • Pilgrimage of Grace 1536
      • Fears of heresy - also shared by Henry VII evidenced by drawing up of the Act of Ten Articles stressing the importance of Baptism and less of confirmation and marriage.
      • Aims to defend clerical privileges - do not want to pay "first fruits and tenths" and want to restore benefit of the clergy
        • First fruits - taxes on 1st yrs of income for a bishop
        • Benefit of clergy - exemption of trial by the court where there is a felony for anyone who could read am passage from scripts


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