Religion, renewal and choice

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  • Religion, renewal and choice
    • New forms of religion
      • Some sociologists reject the secularisation thesis
        • New forms of religion are emerging as a result of choice, consumerism and individualism
      • From obligation to consumption
        • Davie - People now go to church if they want to, not that they feel obliged to
      • Believing without belonging
        • Religion is not declining it is just becoming privatised
          • People are reluctant to join organisations but still hold religious beliefs
      • Vicarious Religion
        • R practiced by the majority - R is second hand
        • Churches are spiritual health service like NHS - there for when people need it
        • Tip of the iceberg - believing without belonging
      • Neither believing or belonging
        • Voas and Crockett disagree with Davie - church attendance and believing are both declining together
        • Bruce - people are not willing to invest their time in church - belief is decling
        • Census - 72% identify as Christian
          • Day criticises as her interviews showed that few Christians mentioned God or Christianity
            • This was used to describe their ethnic group as 'white British'
      • Spiritual shopping
        • Hervieu-Leger - personal choice and decline in obligation - society has developed cultural amnesia
        • R was taught by family & Parish - parents now let their children decide what to do
        • People now feel that they have a choice in religion and they create do it yourself R
          • That fits into their own life and aspirations
        • Pilgrims - individual path to self discovery - New Age Spiritual
        • Converts - join religious groups which offer strong sense of belonging
        • R no longer acts as a source of collective identity - doesn't influence values
    • From obligation to consumption
      • Davie - People now go to church if they want to, not that they feel obliged to
    • Believing without belonging
      • Religion is not declining it is just becoming privatised
        • People are reluctant to join organisations but still hold religious beliefs
    • Vicarious Religion
      • R practiced by the majority - R is second hand
      • Churches are spiritual health service like NHS - there for when people need it
      • Tip of the iceberg - believing without belonging
    • Neither believing or belonging
      • Voas and Crockett disagree with Davie - church attendance and believing are both declining together
      • Bruce - people are not willing to invest their time in church - belief is decling
      • Census - 72% identify as Christian
        • Day criticises as her interviews showed that few Christians mentioned God or Christianity
          • This was used to describe their ethnic group as 'white British'
    • Spiritual shopping
      • Hervieu-Leger - personal choice and decline in obligation - society has developed cultural amnesia
      • R was taught by family & Parish - parents now let their children decide what to do
      • People now feel that they have a choice in religion and they create do it yourself R
        • That fits into their own life and aspirations
      • Pilgrims - individual path to self discovery - New Age Spiritual
      • Converts - join religious groups which offer strong sense of belonging
      • R no longer acts as a source of collective identity - doesn't influence values
    • Postmodern R
      • Lyon - traditional R is giving way to a variety of new religious forms
      • Globalisation, the media and R
        • Media saturates us in postmodern society - religious ideas have become disembedded - electronic church and televangelism
        • R has become de-insititionalised
      • Online R and R online
        • R online - top down communication - religious organisation uses the internet to address members - has hierarchy
        • Online R - cyber religion - may not exist outside of the internet - no hierarchy - member to member communication
      • Religious consumerism
        • Postmodern society=consumerism - pick elements of different faiths - suit tastes, fashionable
        • Lyon - religion is in the sphere of consumption - may use more than one church - leads to loss of metanarratives
      • Self religions and the New Age
        • NA spirituality rejects obligation and obedience to external authority - emphasis on personal development and inner self
      • Re-enchantment of the world
        • Growth of unconventional beliefs, practices and spirituality
    • A spiritual revolution?
      • Holistic spirituality and NA overtaking traditional religion - growth in spiritual market - self help books, courses and therapies
      • Heela and Woodhead - distinguish between congregational domain=traditional Christainity and Holistic Melieu=spirituality and New Age
        • More people in the congregational domain
          • Holistic melieu is growing more due to subjective turn in culture - shift away from obeying and duty
    • The weakness of the New Age
      • Bruce challenged the claim that religion is change not decline
        • Socialisation of the next generation is not strong enough
      • Weak commitment - people only dabble in medication, horoscopes. astrology - not important parts of lives
    • Religious market theory
      • Stark and Bainbridge - secularisation is eurocentric
        • Distorted the view of the past and future
        • S&B R provides compensators - real rewards are scared - life after death
          • The cycle of renewal - some religions decline, others grow and attract new members
          • Religious competition - leads to improvements in the quality of religious goods
      • People are naturally religious - meets their needs
      • America vs Europe
        • Demand for religion increases when there different sorts to chose from
          • S&B - religion survives in the USA as there has never been a religious monopoly - consititution guarantees freedom of R
            • Europe - dominated by religious monopoly - UK Christian
              • Supply and demand - main factor influencing religious participation is the supply of religious groups
    • Supply led R
      • Hadden and Shupe - growth in televangelism - R is supply led
        • Lifting restrictions on Asians in America - increases Hara Krishna - became popular
          • Growth in megachurches
            • Criticisms - Bruce rejects that R diversity increases R participation
              • S&B misrepresent secularisation theory - Beckford - unsociological - claims that people are naturally religious
    • An alternative view - secularisation and security
      • Norris and Inglehart - reject RMT - only applies to USA - fails to explain variation in religiosity in different societies
        • Existential security theory
          • N&I reason for different levels in religiosity between societies is different degrees of existential security
            • Existential security - feeling that survival is secure enough that it can be taken for granted
              • R meets need for security
                • Poor societies - high demand
                  • Rich societies - high standard of living no risk - lower religion
                    • Western Europe is more secular
          • Evaluation - Vasquez - only use quantitative data - see Q as a negative response - ignores positive


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