Religion & Social Justice

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  • Religion & Social Justice
    • Prejudice, Discrimination & Equality
      • Prejudice - Holding a biased opinion about a person, often stereotypical ideas.
        • Why? - because of: parents, friends, media, society, fear of the unknown, personal experiences, or not knowing enough.
      • Discrimination - when people act on their prejudice - e.g. not giving someone a job because of their sex or race
      • Human dignity - The special way humans treat each other that gives everyone a sense of dignity
      • Positive discrimination -  the practice or policy of favouring individuals belonging to groups which suffer discrimination Eg giving an applicant that has been often discriminated against a raise or promotion
      • 'Love thy neighbour'
      • 'God does not show favouritism'
      • 'God created human beings, making them to be like himself'
    • Religious freedom
      • Freedom of Religion (to choose & be part of) + Freedom of Expression
      • 'Christ has set us free'
      • St. Paul said that we should be tolerant of those who have different ways of being Christian.
      • Some Christians believe only Christians will be saved and go to heaven.
      • Islam accepts Christians and Jews, who the Qur'an calls people of the book
      • Some Muslim countries punish people for converting to a different religion.
      • 'let those who wish to believe in it [Islam] do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so.'
    • Status & roles of women
      • Islam - men & women are equal in front of Allah, but they are not the same. They are equal but have different purposes
        • In religion - both pray 5 times a day, women do not have to attend Jummah, the Mosque has different areas for men & women.
        • In religion - Women may teach both genders about Islam, Muhammad stressed the importance of women and they should be respected
      • Christianity - opinions are very mixed, some allowing women to lead ceremony or become priests, others not allowing anything at all.
        • 'Women should be silent in church'
        • Liberal - Bible should be adapted to today's society - Usually allow women to be prists
        • Roman Catholics - Follow tradition & bible - Do not allow women to be priests
        • Evangelical - Bible is literally true - often do not allow women to be priests
    • Disability
      • A mental or physical condition that limits a person's movements, senses or activities
      • The Paralympics have made disability more known and encouraged less prejudice against the disabled.
      • Christians - discrimination is wrong - Jesus healed the sick.
        • They would support moves to provide access, lifts and opportunities and positive discrimination in communities
    • Homosexuality
      • Christianity -  condemned in the New Testament
        • 'No man is to have sexual relationships with another man; God hates that'
      • Quakers - 'It is the nature and quality of a relationship that must judge it by its inner worth;
      • Roman Catholics - Homosexual thoughts are not a sin but one should not act on them - remain ceilbate
    • Money
      • All wealth is a gift from Allah, & the more wealthy you are the more generous you should be.
      • Most religions teach that money is not a bad thing, however it should be used wisely. All religions teach caring for those in need.
        • On the other hand, it may be believed that money can distract a person from their beliefs and God
      • 'It is easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter heaven'
      • 'Tell those who hoard gold and silver instead of giving in God's cause that they will have a grievous punishment'
      • Many Muslims do not take out loans,or lend, at interest because they believe this is the sin of riba.
    • Racism
      • It is illegal in the UK and causes problems in society
      • The belief that some people are inferior because of their ethnicity
      • Christians oppose racism - Desmond Tutu fought against a system of apartheid (segregation)
      • MLK - Black Christian minister that led the Civil Rights Movement - led to better housing, education, and voting rights for black people
    • Poverty & The Poor
      • Exploitation of the poor
        • Paid too little, Zero hours contracts, No sick pay
        • Too much interest on loans, Loan sharks. makes people poorer than they already are
        • Smuggling people, refugees, Used as slaves, traumatizes people
      • Causes
        • In the UK: unemployment, debt, low wages, wasteful spending, lack of qualifications.
        • In the world: country location, climate, population growth, natural disasters, political corruption, poor world trade.
      • Reasons to give to the poor
        • It could give them the help they need, Jesus told people to, It is kind, In Islam it is required by Zakah
      • Reasons to NOT give to the poor
        • People could become dependent on it, people may spend it on un-ethical things like drugs, poor people should try to help themselves.


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