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  • Reliability
    • External Reliability: The extent to which a measure is consistent when assessed over time or across different individuals
      • Different individuals
        • E.g. Kicking measured as 'violent jerk of leg' rather than 'movement of leg' as it is a more specific measure and reliability would increase as all researchers would classify kick as the same thing.
        • Inter-rater reliability: The consistency of a measure (degree of measurement) across raters/ observers. Are the same results obtained when 2(+) people conduct same measurement/score the test in the same way? Scores compared (correlation) to determine consistency.
      • Over time
        • E.g. A person's IQ score should be the same on Monday as it is on Thursday
        • Test-retest reliability: Measures the consistency of results when you repeat same test on same sample at different point in time.
    • Internal Reliability: The extent to which a test is consistent within itself
      • E.g. Are different items (questions) on a questionnaire all measuring the same thing?
      • Split-half method: Measures the extent to which all parts of the test contribute equally to what is being measured.


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