reciprocal style teaching

  • Created by: charlotte
  • Created on: 26-05-15 18:06
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  • reciprocal style of teaching
    • this style involves the learner becoming teachers of others for part of the teaching process, the teacher could set the task and monitor its progress but they would for example work in pairs and teach one another
    • social interaction it would be important for the learners to communicate and talk to on another
    • giving responsibilty group members would take it upon themselves to complete the task
    • personal development the process would rely on the group members to initiate and organise the tasks
    • feedback self realisation of how good the performance is - or how good the peer performance is and then communicate the quality of performance which would have a lot of impact
    • discipline the style allows some freedom of movement and action within in the learner group
    • correct info delivered the method allows for learners to interpret info as they feel is best and sometimes inaccuracies may happen in terms of the technique performed
    • beginners as they need to be told what to do and those that have poor communication skills


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