
  • Created by: Alex2016
  • Created on: 22-04-16 11:44
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  • They may have a girlfriend/ boyfriend who they can rely on whenever they need them.
    • Reasons to have a good self-concept.
      • They may have a very good relationship with their family and friends.
        • This could then again lead to them feeling loved and cared for, this would also make them feel important and give them a sense of belonging.
      • Make sure to read the case study and pick out the reasons why they would have a good self-concept
      • May be doing well at school and progressing in all of their lessons
        • Could lead them to fulfil a career in what they want to do.
      • Could have a very high self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image
        • This means that they see themselves in a good way, they are confident about themselves and that they feel like they are doing well in their life
      • May earn a very good income and have a job that they enjoy.
        • This could lead to things like being able to have a safe environment to live and also plenty of food to keep them alive.
      • They may have a good social circle and have many friends at school.
      • They may feel loved, cared for, happy and they may be enjoying life.
      • They could feel attractive if they have a boyfriend or many friends.
      • May feel like they are able to fit in at school.
        • This could lead to being able to progress and concentrate more at school due to not worrying.
      • Friends may go to the same school as them
        • This could lead to them feeling happy and again feeling like they are able to fit in more.
      • May take part in some kind of activity that they enjoy e.g. football.
        • This could then leas to being picked for a club or something like that.
    • This could lead to them feeling important to someone and means they can develop more complex feelings such as love.
  • Reasons to have a good self-image
    • Someone would have a good self-image if they were body confident.
    • They would also have a positive self-image if they had a boyfriend.
      • This is because their boyfriend/ girlfriend would be there for them all the time and would most likely call them names like 'beautiful',
    • If they had many friends that again called them names such as pretty.
      • This would lead to a positive self-image as it means they would feel confident about the way they look.
    • If they had a good family life and things were good at home.
    • If they were doing well at school and progressing.
    • If many people complimented them or came to see them on weekends.
    • If they got invited places with their friends.
      • This would then give them a sense of belonging as then they would feel like they were important to someone.
    • If they don't compare themselves to everyone around them.
      • if they did this could then lead to them feeling unconfident and feeling down about themselves.
    • Some people have a good self-image if they have a nice home or nice clothes.
      • This is because if they didn't have a nice home they could feel embarrassed to bring friends round.
    • Some people also have a positive self-image if they wear make up.


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