  • Created by: Crabo
  • Created on: 12-03-18 13:38
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        • assonance gives an unsettling effect
          • "brains ache" highlights the pain they are going through
        • first person and use of "our" pronouns makes it more personal
          • readers can really relate to what is happening
        • caesuras and ellipses exaggerate the slow pace and expectancy of something to happen
          • shows us the true reality of war; just waiting for something to happen
          • makes readers reflect on the soldiers misery; can really relate
        • title has two meanings
          • exposing the true reality of war; nothing is what it seems
          • exposure to the horrible weather
            • use of pathetic fallacy to set the mood; and possible semantic field of misery to show weather is against them
        • sibilance mimics sound of silence and the wind; nothing is happening they are just waiting
        • mention of home contrasts with the fear and bleakness of trench warfare
          • "back on forgotten dreams" had to give up and sacrifice everything; losing motivation
        • 23-25; nature is the real enemy; personification "stealth" a silent assassin
        • rhetorical questions "is it that we are dying?" hypnotic effect of snow and wondering if images are real
        • anaphora emphasises speedy advance "half a league"
        • very regular rhyme scheme; mostly dactylic makes it sound like galloping horses
        • climax of poem; uses lots of exclamation marks and short sentences to quicken pace and make us remember and honour them
        • repetition of lines "cannons..." shows what they were up against and how unprepared they were
        • metaphor "into the valley of death" "jaws of death" "mouth of hell" depicts horrors of the battle
          • personification exaggerates that it is only going to get worse
          • valley of death could possibly be a biblical reference; christianity was popular when poem was written
            • king David declares he will not be afraid even in the "valley of death", because of his faith in god; symbolises bravery of the soldiers
              • all Victorian readers would have been familiar with the reference and understand how the soldiers feel
        • "some one had blunder'd" does not do justice to the impact of the mistake
          • "blunder'd" ironic; an understatement which cost so many lives
          • roboticness of the soldiers; had to follow orders no matter what
        • "suddenly" burst into action;soldier is disoriented, giving feeling of danger and action
          • dashes used to abruptly break pace and disorient
        • "raw" soldiers are inexperienced; just thrown in; vulnerable, not prepared
          • raw is war backwards; we are seeing war as it is, exposed to the raw reality of it all
        • "king, honour, human dignity, etcetera" trivialises patriotic ideals; becoming unmotivated
        • "green hedge" juxtaposition of calm nature vs violence of war
          • "green hedge" could also be lines of charging soldiers
        • "yellow hare" shows uncontrollable nature of war; simile "like a flame" suggests danger and destructive nature of war
          • circular motions give the impression that the hare is trapped. Both the hare and the soldier are caught up in a deadly situation – in someone else’s battle.
        • enjambement, also across stanzas; quickens pace, mimics soldier running
        • dashes - represent his disjointed thoughts
          • breaks up the flow of the poem and shows how the soldier is waking up to what is happening and slowly starting to think.
        • uses an irregular rhythm; mimics his broken thoughts
        • line lengths vary; pace changes and could symbolise his quick and slow progress across the field


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