Reality and appearances

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  • Reality and appearances
    • Appearances can be deceptive
      • 'You should be witches and yet your beards forbid me to interpret'
        • model verb 'should'
          • The witches dont represent one gender showing how even though they are women they have the strength of men making them very powerful. This also shows how their appearances in Macbeth can confuse people
          • Banquo is questioning towards the witches whereas Macbeth isn't- Macbeth looks at the appearance for judgement whereas Banquo looks at the reaity
      • "look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it"
        • imperative verbs
          • shows the authority she believes she has over Macbeth
        • Adjective "innocent" and noun "flower"
          • separate herself from being a female
          • Lady Macbeth is putting the stereotypical traits of a women onto Macbeth
        • juxtaposition of nouns
          • Shows how she manipulates people
        • Noun "serpent"
          • links to the bible; the snake represents the devil and is very manipulative
      • stars hide your fires let not light see my black and deep desires
        • metaphor
          • Macbeth wants to fool everyone by killing Duncan but getting away with it and so becoming king
          • Macbeth hasn't even told Lady Macbeth about the prophecies yet and he is already trying to hide his bloodlust
          • Many claim that Lady Macbeth is the one to push Macbeth over the edge to killing Duncan yet this simple sentence is proof that his intentions were clear from the start
          • this could show that Macbeth had no intention of killing Duncan and he wanted to hide his desires rather than acknowledge them
    • Characters questions there eyes
      • 'is this a dagger which I see before me'
        • Imagery
          • Macbeth ccannot trust his eyes-he is wondering whether it is real or just a vision
            • The handle of the dagger points towards him as if the dagger is asking for him to use it. The hallucination appears to symbolize Macbeth’s dark intentions
            • The dagger itself is a symbol of conscience. It shows the things which will take place. the dagger foreshadows the Kings death. Macbeth hasn't yet committed the unthinkable, but yet his conscience is already riddled with guilt. The dagger symbolizes what will be and the darkness that will follow.
            • The dagger could be from the witches to drive him into committing treason
      • 'the ghost of Banquo enters and sits in Macbeths place'
        • stage directions
          • Macbeth isn't meant to be king, Banquo' son is meant to be on the throne in the future. Banquo has sat here showing that Macbeth could feel guilty for stealing this from him.
          • this could be the supernateral showing what is meant to be- Banquo's son should be sat with all of the disciples.
      • 'Out damned spots! Out I say'
        • exclamation
          • This is a reflection of her mental state- guilt has stained her life and she is unable to get rid of it
            • 'A little water clears us of this deed'
        • at the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth wants to be striped of her womanhood and wants to take the 'mescaline' roles- she tries to swop gender roles with Macbeth
          • However, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth switch roles again at the end of the play- Lady Macbeth has gone insane with guilt whereas Macbeth has become desensitised to murder
            • at the beginning Shakespearean audiences would believe that at the end when the gender roles have swapped again it would be reality.


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