C3 - A

  • Created by: zoolouise
  • Created on: 02-06-15 16:59
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  • Rate of reaction (1)
    • Reaction rates
      • The rate of reaction measures how much product is formed in a fixed period of time.
      • Reactions are usually fast at the start and slow down as the reactants are used up.
      • Grams are used when measuring the mass of a product formed, centimeters cubed are used for measuring the volume of gas (g/s or g/min) (cm^3/s or cm^3/min) Seconds are for faster reactions, minutes for slower.
    • Calculating the rate of reaction
      • The rate of reaction can be worked out from the gradient of a graph.
      • To work out the gradient, find part of the graph where's there's a straight line and measure the values of y and x. Then divide y by x
      • Gradient = y/x
    • Limiting reactants
      • The limiting reactant is the reactant not in excess that gets used up at the end of the reaction.
      • The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reactant used.
      • Reactions occur when particles collide together. If the number of reacting particles of one reactants is limited, the number of collisions by that particle is limited.


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